Proof by analogy is fraud.

Fermat said he had a proof.

Another roof, another proof.

All proofs rest on premises.

The proof is in the pudding.

I wanted proof, not promises.

We need proof in our society.

I have no proof for any proof.

Jesters do oft prove prophets.

Analogy cannot serve as proof.

Wit is a thing capable of proof.

Too many proofs spoil the truth.

The best proof of love is trust.

I don't need proof, I have faith.

Scars are proof we can can survive

Taste has no system and no proofs.

Proof' is the hallmark of religion.

...and when is enough proof enough?

Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.

Desire is proof of the availability.

I believe in things that have proof.

By far the best proof is experience.

Confidence is the best proof of love.

Sincerity is always subject to proof.

The proof of the pudding is the eating.

A good proof is one that makes us wiser.

Absence of proof isn't proof of absence.

Faith is believing what we cannot prove.

Life begins at 40, and I'm living proof.

Humility is always proof of intelligence

Your existence is the only proof of mine

A hundred suspicions don't make a proof.

Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

A mathematical proof must be perspicuous.

What you do is proof of what you believe.

Proof that no investment is yours forever.

The suburbs: signs of life, but no proofs.

I am walking proof of the power of prayer.

The world is proof that God is a committee.

Beer is proof that God wants us to be happy

All the proof of a pudding is in the eating.

There is only one proof of ability - action.

Compound interest is proof of gods existence.

Documents create a paper reality we call proof.

Talk shows are proof that conversation is dead.

Music is, to me, proof of the existence of God.

To cease to admire is a proof of deterioration.

I'm the proof - you can't throw away tradition.

The proof that one truly believes is in action.

Proof is the product that you put on the field.

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