I can't prove it, but I can say it.

You think you're an artist; prove it

Revenge proves it's own executioner.

If you're an artist, you've got to prove it.

The truth is in nature, and I shall prove it.

Revenge proves itself to be its own executioner.

Art is for all — and the greatest art proves it.

Hollywood sucks. I've got the bruises to prove it.

I'm not an actor - and I've got 64 films to prove it!

The Jews got together to protect him. And I'll prove it.

...God's love is so real that He created you to prove it.

An ideal cannot wait for its realization to prove its validity.

I can't prove it scientifically, that there's a God, but I believe.

You have a movie and it proves itself and then certain things happen.

It is with logic that one proves; it is with intuition that one invents.

If you've got the truth you can demonstrate it. Talking doesn't prove it.

he threw up his hands and wrote the Universe dont exist and died to prove it

To establish that a rule is likely to be true, one must try to prove it false.

If we have no idea why a statement is true, we can still prove it by induction.

It is one to say you have faith and another to be in a tight corner and prove it.

I think God runs the show. Completely. Life proves it every day: He runs the show.

Doubt is merely a thought. When experience proves it wrong, it will quickly go away.

Prove it. I'll measure your words against your actions, and from that I will determine your worth.

That we must love one God only is a thing so evident that it does not require miracles to prove it.

Live your own truth and it won't matter how many lies they tell about you. The truth will prove itself.

Listen to everyone, read everything; believe absolutely nothing unless you can prove it in your own right!

You know, people are basically shitty. It's when they prove it over and over again that it gets obnoxious.

I'm in love with a philosophy major, and she doesn't even know I exist. And what's worse, she can prove it.

Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it.

We have the notion that we exist but we have no way to prove it. 'I am' is the closest foundation we can get.

Humor, a good sense of it, is to Americans what manhood is to Spaniards and we will go to great lengths to prove it.

The English experience suggested that nobody really doubted the existence of God until theologians tried to prove it.

The biggest thing is to make sure that when something comes out about you that is false that you prove it's not true.

I read the different translations of the Bible they had and really just dove into it, almost so I could prove it all right.

He’ll have to prove it to you. Every day, he’ll have to prove he’s worthy of you. And if he doesn’t, that’s it. But I think he will.

Just sing it. Don't prove you can sing it. I know you can, you know you can. So just do it, because if you try to prove it, you'll lose.

If we're going to be considered horror filmmakers, we have to prove it not only to ourselves, but to the audience that we can actually make something scary.

I have always suspected that the reading is right, which requires many words to prove it wrong; and the emendation wrong, that cannot without so much labour appear to he right.

I am a great believer rather than the popular scientific way of dealing with things that 'Nothing exists unless you can prove it'. I am pretty much the other way that pretty much anything can exist unless you can disprove it.

One would normally define a "religion" as a system of ideas that contain statements that cannot be logically or observationally demonstrated... Gödels theorem not only demonstrates that meathematics is a religion, but shows that mathematics is the only religion that proves itself to be one!

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