I'm certainly not a prude.

I'm actually totally the prude of my family.

I'm not a prude. On the set, they called me 'Butt Naked.'

I'm part Bridget Jones, part Larry David. I'm shy; I'm prude.

I'll be honest: I was a super-late bloomer, and I was kind of a prude.

My mum certainly isn't a prude, nor is my brother, so I think I'm lucky to have a family like that.

I mean, I'll say the filthiest things in the world, but when it comes down to it, I'm kind of a prude.

I am no prude, but when I watch comedy, I ask myself, 'Who wrote this? A teenage boy in the locker room?'

I think the fact that I use salty words in my Bonhoeffer book would tip you off that I'm no prude, exactly.

OK, I'm not what you'd call 'wild.' But I'm no prude, either - I love to party, and I play a mean game of pool.

Edgy is fine - I'm not a prude by any stretch of the imagination - but what's wrong with a good ol' belly laugh? I miss that.

We try to do too many things that used to be in the men's domain, and we try to do them like men's. I'm a prude - I guess you can tell that - but I think, 'Why would you do that?'

I would never describe Charlotte as a prude - maybe at the start, but that was in comparison to the other girls. She wasn't willing to do the stuff they were doing - and I mean, thank goodness!

In the United States of America, we are so liberal-minded on so many different aspects, but for some reason there's always going to be this weird connection with nudity being a bad thing. Americans can be so prude sometimes.

I don't like swearing on the air. As a matter of fact, I'm not a prude, but... I watch HBO and some of the comedy stuff, and I'm constantly asking myself, 'Why have we gone there?' It seems like it's unfortunate. It's so cheap. It's so easy.

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