It's just part of me, playing the puck.

When we've got the puck, they can't score.

I'm not really anything like Puck - I'm worse!

Arrive at the net with the puck and in ill humor.

By the way, you don't need the makeup." Puck said.

We're always skating to wherever the puck is going.

I'd love to play Puck in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.'

Let's make like a hockey player and get the puck out of here.

Most players go where the puck is. I go where the puck will be.

We take the shortest route to the puck and arrive in ill humor.

I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.

Our system of forechecking is to shoot the puck and leave it there.

I like to have the puck when I have speed. You know, then I'm dangerous.

Discoveries cannot be planned, they pop up, like Puck, in unexpected corners

Every time a puck gets past me and I look back into the net, I say, 'uh-oh.'

I always love the smell of a bat and a glove, or a hockey puck in the winter time.

Good players skate to the puck. Great players skate to where the puck is going to be.

I saw the rebound and when the puck came to me, I said, oh my God, puck, I must shoot.

A puck is a hard rubber disk that hockey players strike when they can't hit one another.

I just try to do my best to shoot the puck and we'll see what's going to happen with it.

I think, for me, I'm a player that wants the puck, and I'm a better player when I have it.

The quintessential bad - luck position. Pucks can go off bodies, skates, bounce into the net.

If you're putting the puck in an awkward place for someone, that's right away, advantage: you.

Good news, they found Nemo! The bad news is, they found him in one of Wolfgang Puck's puff pastries.

I am getting old, but it works in this job. I'm so slow now that I can't get out of the way of the puck.

By far Gretzky is the most talented player ever. Every time he gets the puck something exciting happens.

When I'm able to see the ice ahead of time when I get the puck, I'm able to make some pretty good plays.

A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.

I go by the rule of Gretzky: you gotta be there before the puck gets there, or you're going to get beat.

I like to play the puck. I like to be creative a little bit around my net, and now it's been taken away.

I think the idea of the obstruction through the neutral zone and away from the puck was an excellent rule.

I think I'm a good passer and can make plays, but there's definitely a knack to putting the puck in the net.

Sometimes the pass is perfect, but you can't shoot the puck. Sometimes it's a bad pass and you do a good shot.

You can be a great skater, you can have really good puck skills, but the ability to problem-solve is, to me, key.

I'm soooooo telling." Puck stood behind her. "You two disobeyed your parents! I'm both shocked and really impressed.

All that matters is that you find a way to put the puck in the net. It doesn't matter how. I learned that from Mario.

I myself feel that I'm a well-rounded player and got a lot better defensively and without the puck as time has gone on.

I say, 'I will not be your weakness, Sean Kendrick.' Now he looks at me. He says, very softly, 'It's late for that, Puck.

The way we look at manufacturing is this: the U.S.'s strategy should be to skate where the puck is going, not where it is.

I saw a hockey game where they threw the puck aside and just started fighting. I saw that, and I'm like, 'So I'm the thug?'

I had a hockey puck and stick-the only ones in town. I definitely would have played hockey ahead of football, had it been available.

The first drama thing I really got stuck into was 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.' I played Puck. That's when I said, 'I want to be an actor.'

The only time I'm relaxing is when I have the puck and controlling the puck. If I don't have it, I'm getting anxious, and I want to have it.

I wasn't strong when I was young. The puck was maybe too heavy. I guess I tried to move the puck from side to side to keep from getting hit.

That's the coolest thing I've ever seen," Puck said. "How cool will it be when it kills us?" Sabrina asked. "Considerably less cool," Puck replied.

Obviously ,you want to demand the puck; you want to have it as much as you can because you feel like good things can happen when it's on your stick.

When I walk down the street in New York, I swear to God, the building constructor, the guy pounding cement and what not, will yell, 'Hey, you hockey puck!'

Goalies often react quickly to shots with no regard for what might happen to their body because we are trained to stop pucks first and ask questions later.

I came into reality television with MTV's show 'The Real World,' specifically the 1994 season set in San Francisco. I was glued to the Puck and Pedro drama.

When you play hockey, you don't have any fear. As soon as you step on the ice everything goes away and you're focusing on the puck and focusing on the play.

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