Holy mother of Lord Cocoa Puffs

I'm not like Puff Daddy, I hold my own umbrella.

This whole Puff Daddy thing has taken a toll on me.

I love little Peter Pan collars and little puff sleeves.

Well, doctor, and do I now act like a 'pink powder puff' ?

I feel safe in white because deep down inside, I'm an angel.

It feels like I could go outside with a bikini thong on right now.

I'm the only artist who got paid by Puff, like really, really, paid.

I think you have to be very careful about any story that puffs you up.

Puff Daddy is a great party thrower. He goes down in the history books.

I won't say I'm out of condition now - but I even puff going downstairs.

The real Mary Poppins got lost when Hollywood turned her into a cream puff.

I can't even say Puff and me are like brothers, 'cause we closer than that.

You don't have to do everything from scratch. Nobody wants to make puff pastry!

I will be putting out a fragrance - I'm following in the great steps of Puff Daddy.

I have been a fan of Versace for so long, watching people like Biggie, Puff, Jay-Z.

Puff always does great collaborations, it's just you need that flair to make it work.

I'm so famous, people expect me to sell as many records as Celine Dion or Puff Daddy.

The honors of this world, what are they but puff, and emptiness, and peril of falling?

Oh dear,' says God, 'I hadn't thought of that,' and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

My mind is always racing, and always going and always working, and it's a gift and a curse.

One reason sin flourishes is that it is treated like a cream puff instead of a rattlesnake.

When I came out rapping on my record, a lot of people said, Oh, you just want to be like Puff.

My opponent called me a cream puff. Well, I rushed out and got the baker's union to endorse me.

Everyone who knows Puff knows Puff rolls with himself. His hustle is money. That's what he does.

Let no rank puff up anyone; for faith and love are paramount - the greatest blessings in the world.

If you can learn to use your mind as well as your powder puff, you will become more truly beautiful.

I huff and puff and struggle with every sentence, paragraph and page - sometimes every word as well.

Good news, they found Nemo! The bad news is, they found him in one of Wolfgang Puck's puff pastries.

A fault which humbles a person is of more use to him or her than a good action which puffs him or her up.

Hone and spread your spirit till you yourself are a sail, whetted, translucent, broadside to the merest puff.

I learned how music works dealing with Jermaine Dupri, and I learned how image works dealing with Puff Daddy.

I don't want to sound like Ross; I don't want to sound like Puff. I want to make my own music: French Montana.

Every schoolmaster after the age of forty-nine, is inclined to flatulence is apt to swallow frequently and to puff

You puff the poets of other days, The living you deplore. Spare me the accolade: your praise Is not worth dying for.

I always wanted my work to speak for itself, and have opportunities to do interesting work and not just puff pieces.

There's people who I admire like... Dr. Dre, Puff Daddy, Master P, people who built their stuff and are still going.

In the years after I left Netflix, the company I co-founded, I didn't want to puff myself up or tear anyone else down.

If you're not the guy who is going to puff your chest out like a rooster and go fight somebody, our society discards you.

I don't want to be a rap star. I want you to see me and just say, 'That's Mase,' not 'That's Puff Daddy and Mase,' you know.

If I could have anybody I haven't had, I'd want to interview somebody like Jay-Z or Puff Daddy, pick their minds a little bit.

Sometimes it seemed to him that his life was delicate as a dandelion. One little puff from any direction, and it was blown to bits.

I get asked to read new works a lot, in the hope that I will give a quotation and I will only give a 'puff' for a book I truly love.

How to run an ultramarathon ? Puff out your chest, put one foot in front of the other, and don't stop till you cross the finish line.

Jo's eyes sparkled, for it's always pleasant to be believed in; and a friend's praise is always sweeter than a dozen newspaper puffs.

I want to play the Green Lantern. I'd love to do a comic book hero. Go to the gym, get all buff, puff up. That would be a lot of fun.

I didn't study no rappers when I was coming up. I was studying moguls. I was studying Jay Z. I was studying Puff. I was studying Master P.

When a newspaper comes out that says 'Duff' Puff - she must have gained 15 pounds' or something like that, how would any normal person react?

Amazingly, we’ve become a culture that considers Twinkies, Cocoa Puffs, and Mountain Dew safe, but raw milk and compost-grown tomatoes unsafe.

Grace is sufficient even though we huff and puff with all our might to try and find something or someone that it cannot cover. Grace is enough.

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