I have rock 'n' roll pumping through my veins.

Nothing gets my blood pumping like a little Animotion.

I think it's really good to get the adrenaline pumping.

Action scenes get me so excited, and my adrenaline starts pumping.

I was nervous my first fight, my heart was pumping at 1,000 beats per second.

Everybody in L.A. has a screenplay. The guy pumping your gas has a screenplay.

It's important to me that no one can say I'm not pumping out high-level research.

I always sleep really well, particularly before a race, when the adrenaline's pumping.

Kitchen competition shows are so action-packed. They just get your adrenaline pumping.

When you're under pressure and your heart's pumping, you almost go back to what you know.

In space, you need to exercise your heart since it's not pumping blood around at the same rate.

Actually, I've been a mechanic. My first job was in a gas station changing tires and pumping gas.

Well it's because the record companies are pumping away with their commercial stuff. I think it's a shame.

For me, it is OK as long as I can breathe, as long as my heart is pumping, as long as I can express myself.

Life is about rhythm. We vibrate, our hearts are pumping blood, we are a rhythm machine, that's what we are.

The practice of pumping up before the scene, especially if you've got your shirt off, most actors will do that.

The key to my boxing is my lateral movement. I keep moving side to side and keep pumping my jab and right hand.

Now with tabloids and seeing people walking around in sweats pumping gas you're like, 'Okay, they're just like us.'

If your heart's not pumping premium on WrestleMania Sunday, then I don't understand what you're doing at WrestleMania.

To get the adrenaline pumping between events - or to help me switch off, Jay Z, the Roots and Drake are on my playlist.

Music drives you. It wakes you up, it gets you pumping. And, at the end of the day, the correct tune will chill you down.

I enjoy working out. I really do. I like the way my heart gets pumping, and sweaty, and I feel challenged; I feel strong.

I'm a girl that loves cars. I've always loved them. I love to drive with the windows down, sunroof open, and music pumping.

I like to jump some rope and swing kettle bells to get my blood pumping. It makes my voice sound better, and it clears my head.

I think that there were only two people in my high school that were comfortable there, and I think they are both pumping gas now.

I grew up in the northernmost parts of New Jersey, known more for lush forests and old farmland than industrial wastelands and fist pumping.

I was a pop-music junkie. My parents were into Frank Sinatra and Doris Day. They weren't too excited when I had Aretha or the Stones pumping.

I think it is good when your blood is pumping, you are feeling lively, nice and warm, you are loose, you are awake, and your brain is switched on.

I'm an adrenaline guy. I like to do stuff that gets my blood pumping, like roller coasters or jumping out of planes. I'm into all that crazy stuff.

Pumping parties are when you go to someone's residence but obviously not in a medical office and have whatever injected into your face and your body.

Let me tell you, I'm not sure if America runs on donuts, but I sure do! Nothin' like a little simple sugar icing to get the blood pumping at 9:00 A.M.

It doesn't matter if you're sad or hung-over or lazy or tired - a workout will get your endorphins pumping, and you'll feel like a new person almost instantly.

I was 19 years old, pumping gas and going nowhere. I was kind of a high school dropout at that point because I had left school to play hockey, but no one drafted me.

Fat is one of the chief enemies of the heart because it has to be plentifully supplied with blood and thus needlessly increases the pumping load that the heart must sustain.

Being funny is a symptom of what's underneath. You're pumping out all that energy because something else is going on inside you, some opposing force, something uncomfortable.

There are a lot of things that I remember about Dusty Rhodes. There are so many things that stick out about him. He used to work at my father-in-law's gas station pumping gas.

The debt and the deficit is just getting out of control, and the administration is still pumping through billions upon trillions of new spending. That does not grow the economy.

I always get mad when guys make shots in the first quarter, second quarter, pumping their chest, and then the game on the line, they miss. So you're doing all that for no reason.

Lombardi, a certain magic still lingers in the very name. It speaks of duels in the snow and November mud... He remains for many the heart of pro football, pumping hard right now.

The self-image of many contemporary sportswriters seems to depend on maintaining that were it not for sports, athletes would be pumping gas, if they were not sticking up the gas station.

I've gotten into the habit of cranking out a set of push-ups before each show to get my blood pumping and find my focus. I worked my way up from eight to 30. That was a real accomplishment.

ICG became a dot-com joke, a one-stock example of extreme hubris on the part of its management and the investment bankers and sell-side analysts who embarrassed themselves by pumping it up.

Whenever we feel stressed out, that's a signal that our brain is pumping out stress hormones. If sustained over months and years, those hormones can ruin our health and make us a nervous wreck.

Richard Dreyfuss, when we were doing 'American Graffiti,' was pumping me to vote for McGovern. But I think I wound up going for Nixon. I thought he could get us out of the Vietnam War quickly. Ha.

It is by teaching that we teach ourselves, by relating that we observe, by affirming that we examine, by showing that we look, by writing that we think, by pumping that we draw water into the well.

I've had one fall that I kind of hurt my toe pretty badly because I slammed into one of the set pieces. But, you know, you just get up and keep going. The adrenaline's pumping, and you just carry on!

I was lucky enough to be a child during the renaissance of Australian children's literature, when people like Ivan Southall, Colin Thiele, Lilith Norman and Wrightson were pumping out hugely inspiring stuff.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm not working at McDonald's and how come I have the life I have. I don't know. But I'm happy that I have these choices. That's kinda sappy, huh? But whatever, acting beats pumping gas.

Imagine if every airport would blast Brian Eno. I bet going through security wouldn't be as difficult. I can't imagine someone being aggressive with me with Brian Eno music pumping through the terminals at LAX.

I want to build a machine that can drill wells for water. With this problem of water in many places in Africa, we need to find a solution for how you can dig wells so you can be pumping water from deeper places.

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