We in Purgatory sing fondly of Hell.

Labour is the purgatory of the erring.

We must empty purgatory with our prayers.

I'd rather go to hell than be in purgatory...

Old age is the Outpatient's Dept of purgatory.

History will be erased in the universal purgatory.

The world of commerce is a kind of a purgatory itself.

Marriage is neither heaven nor hell, it is simply purgatory.

Time is a purgatory that has cleansed all fury from my memories.

I used to be a major people pleaser, but that way purgatory lies.

The IPO is no exit for the entrepreneur; it's the start of purgatory.

England is the paradise of women, the purgatory of men, and the hell of horses.

'Rocky' represents the optimistic side of life, and 'Rambo' represents purgatory.

It was the closest to purgatory that I've ever experienced while I've been living.

We need no messiah and no sterile conception of a god menacing us with hell and purgatory.

Retirement is purgatory for the former sports star. The world outside organized sports is unforgiving.

Purgatory fire will be more intolerable than all the torments that can be felt or conceived in this life.

So many people of color who made major contributions to American history have been trapped in the purgatory of history.

One curiosity of being a foreigner everywhere is that one finds oneself discerning Edens where the locals see only Purgatory.

If I were a Roman Catholic, I should turn a heretic, in sheer desperation, because I would rather go to heaven than go to purgatory.

I had the feeling that Sarajevo was the perfect place to shoot the film I wanted to shoot. It is the perfect illustration of purgatory.

I live in the social purgatory of the San Fernando Valley, while my eldest daughter is bused to a charter school in the fantasy land of Bel Air.

I think God's wrath and purgatory are the only things keeping me on the straight and narrow. I like the idea of purgatory. It's like a cosmic do-over.

We live with incessant music, all the time. It's like some weird musical purgatory, there is absolutely no rest for the ears, no space to absorb and reflect.

Of all the inhabitants of the inferno, none but Lucifer knows that hell is hell, and the secret function of purgatory is to make of heaven an effective reality.

We absolutely believed in Heaven and Hell, Purgatory, and even Limbo. I mean, they were actually closer to us than Australia or Canada, that they were real places.

What, but the rapacity of the only men who exercised their reason, the priests, secured such vast property to the church, when a man gave his perishable substance to save himself from the dark torments of purgatory.

Red carpets are awful. They're like a kind of purgatory - you stand there, and there are cameras flashing everywhere. One of my first red carpets was in Cannes for 'The Great Gatsby,' and I'd never seen anything like it.

In theory, it is illegal to make the basement into a bureaucratic purgatory. In 1994, for instance, Congress prohibited agencies from making significant changes in a whistleblower's 'working conditions' as punishment for speaking out.

I just disagree so much with the way the Catholic Church says things like, 'If you're not a good person, you'll die and go to Hell; there's a purgatory there...' If I was talking with a Holy Ghost, it would scare the living Hell out of me.

And what's nice about 'Sunny' is that it has this honesty with the viewers, which is, like, they're here because they're on a television show and they're locked in this purgatory where they have to keep doing the same things with each other.

Normally, I'd believe that the saying 'There's no small parts, only small actors' is a load of crock because, more often than not, actors relegated to the small-part category stay in 'Who was that guy from that thing' purgatory - however, '90s sitcom 'Friends' proved that the saying is true.

I think the idea that life ends when we physically die is as painful as the idea in Cromwell's time that there's some awful purgatory, and you have to give money to the Catholic church to get your loved ones out. I certainly have experienced a lot of evidence that there's a consciousness that isn't physical.

You can compromise between good, better, and best, and you can compromise between bad and worse and terrible. But you can't compromise between good and evil. And now people look at the other side as a completely different kind of animal and say, 'They are taking the country down the road to purgatory.' It's complete intolerance.

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