Color is joy. One does not think joy. One is carried by it.

We all need a place that we can go, And feel over the rainbow

If the world 's a vale of tears, Smile, till rainbows span it!

After every storm, if you look hard enough, a rainbow appears.

I've always said, 'Before you see the rainbow, it has to storm.'

The horns came riding in like the rainbow masts of silver ships.

Trying to make sense of love is like trying to dissect a rainbow.

I'd rather see the world as a rainbow than endless shade of gray.

Our only kiss was like an accident- a beautiful gasoline rainbow.

If you want to enjoy the rainbow, be prepared to endure the storm.

What the rainbow has given our people is a thing that connects us.

For Tim Burton's birthday I gave him a rainbow beetle. He loved it!

Rainbow drops - suck them and you can spit in six different colours.

If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why oh why can't I?

A garden, sir, wherein all rainbows and flowers were heaped together.

Ain't no rainbows shining on me, shades of gray are the colors I see.

…gender is not sane. It's not sane to call a rainbow black and white.

Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.

A rainbow which lasts for a quarter of an hour is looked at no longer.

Let no one who loves be unhappy, even love unreturned has its rainbow.

It was the rainbow gave thee birth, and left thee all her lovely hues.

Prepare yourself so that you can be a rainbow in somebody else's cloud.

You have to get through the rain if you're ever going to see a rainbow.

She saw him fracture into rainbow colors through the prism of her love.

Among the several kinds of beauty, the eye takes most delight in colors.

Rainbows are people whose lives are bright, shining examples for others.

Color is like food for the spirit - plus it's not addictive or fattening.

It's like a koala pooped a rainbow on my head and I can taste the colors.

When the morning gathers the rainbow, want you to know I'm a rainbow too.

...I wondered if it was blasphemous to tell God that rainbows are kitsch.

Me writing 'Black Rainbow' was me alone in a windowless room going insane.

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

There's a kiss at the end of the rainbow more precious than a pot of gold.

In youth, we clothe ourselves with rainbows, and go as brave as the zodiac.

Capture a shadow, dance with the wind, stand in a rainbow, begin at the end.

A rainbow is the product of physics working for your appreciation of beauty.

Each of us has the power and responsibility to become a rainbow in the clouds.

At the end of the dream, on the other side of the rainbow, there's only light.

Poetry is a phantom script telling how rainbows are made and why they go away.

One can enjoy a rainbow without necessarily forgetting the forces that made it.

The people who guard the rainbow don't like those who get in the way of the sun.

Thunderstorms and rainbows wrapped together in a convenient pocket-sized parcel.

You may choose your song, but know this: Tiny. Cooper. Hates. Over. The. Rainbow.

[Iris] squeezed his hand. "Don't lose hope, Frank. Rainbows always stand for hope.

The rainbow flag is a symbol of freedom and liberation that we made for ourselves.

If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy and colorful and lively.

English words are like prisms. Empty, nothing inside, and still they make rainbows.

We were poor. we were so poor, in my neighborhood the rainbow was in black-and-white.

The rainbow bursts like magic on mine eyes! In hues of ancient promise there imprest.

I never presumed to tell anyone who could make a rainbow what color to make children.

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