Millennials don't go to rallies.

I'm not afraid to do long rallies. I like that.

Never boo or hiss at my rallies. That is for people with no hope.

I was very inspired by the videos of the crowds at the Palin rallies.

Net neutrality is a concept that the tech industry rallies around, but it is hypocrisy.

It is important to show up. Showing up at marches and rallies and town halls and protests.

I've done many rallies and it's been super-charged, highly charged. People are very receptive.

Communicating a passionate response to world events is no longer limited to protests and rallies.

Investment comes to a halt in a country where sit-ins and protest rallies lead to political chaos.

On clay, you know that you have much longer rallies, and you must run for maybe two or three hours.

Sometimes I play good shots, good rallies, and then there is hundreds of mistakes and not a good shot.

I'm proud to say I was part of a movement in which we sang 'All You Need Is Love' at political rallies.

Rallies, marches on Washington, protests, et al. are pointless if there is no action to make them mean something.

I never liked pep rallies. I found school spirit hard to deal with. I am much more oriented towards the individual.

From the start, Trump's rallies had the air of the tent revival, that same hot thrum of militant exorcism and ecstasy.

When I was a kid I went to Catholic school, and they used to drag us out to pro-life rallies and stuff full of crazy people.

There is no Modi wave. He has to attend so many rallies because there is no wave and also, BJP doesn't have a face to project.

I have addressed public meetings. I have done rallies and road shows. I have gone door-to-door for leaders like Kapil Sibal ji.

'Uprising' was requested by so many politicians in America for use in their rallies, and we turned them down on a regular basis.

I really miss things like going to football games and pep rallies, and when I come home to Tulsa, I always try to go to those things.

I've found that when everyone rallies behind a cause, and when they learn their effort can contribute something bigger, they get engaged.

People cutting across caste and communal lines like me. I go to north Karnataka, where people from all communities come to my meetings and rallies.

When I go to rallies and I see other people driving, I feel I would much rather be behind the wheel myself. That is where I get the most excitement.

If you go back to 2001, the market had two violent short covering rallies then, although I know the market didn't officially get going until March 2003.

It's understood in the newsroom: Air the Trump rallies live and uninterrupted. He may say something crazy; he often does, and it's always great television.

My parents always went to rallies and demonstrated against certain things; my generation, we often have a political conscience, but we're not that involved.

You can watch Chanel fashion shows and watch the news. Fortunately you don't have to choose. I always vote, I go to rallies, but I also go to fashion shows.

I went to public school, elementary through high school. I went to homecoming, to football games, pep rallies, I got detention, I got an F. I've done it all.

My father acted as the Illinois Branch president of the NAACP and so we spent a lot of time in the marches and the rallies working on behalf of people of color.

I like to watch rallies. Every time I go, I park the car where the fans park - I don't have any special tickets or permission to go - and I walk six kilometers.

The hardest-hit taxpayers in our disgraceful tax system are those folks who pack Trump's rallies, especially in hard-hit Rust Belt states like Ohio and Michigan.

Svitolina moves a little bit better than Ostapenko but Ostapenko goes for it a little earlier in the rallies. The way she plays she can take you out of the equation.

There were a lot of anti-apartheid rallies and marches and concerts that we would go to as a family. And music was a big part of that. It was never just the politics.

Once you go outside of Atlanta, there are still a lot of Klan rallies and whatnot. There are a lot of conflicting elements that are trying to solve itself in that city.

Ronald Reagan never did much to make abortion illegal. He did, however, deliver videotaped greetings, fulsome in praise for his hosts, to antiabortion rallies on the Mall.

The best thing about high school football in the state of Texas is the whole town shuts down, and there's shoe polish all over businesses and stores. Everyone rallies around you.

By the time I got to college in the '90s, virtually every young woman I knew was on the pill. It was like a rite of passage, along with Doc Martens and Take Back the Night rallies.

Ann Romney has been front-and-center. She's held a lot of town halls, a lot of campaign rallies, on her own, separate from her husband. And she is dynamite out on the campaign trail.

Even though I grew up and I didn't always like getting dragged to the meetings or the rallies or the speeches, I developed a very strong respect for participating in a democratic process.

We need a president who doesn't just visit our forgotten communities for rallies but one who lives in them - one who knows the pain and suffering that comes with being unseen and unheard.

I did many interviews, and went out and talked to many people and went to rallies. It was the same thing with menopause. I traveled around the country on talk shows and talking to women about.

I am willing to consider powers which would ban known hooligans from rallies and marches and I will look into the powers the police already have to force the removal of face coverings and balaclavas.

My mom pushed me in a baby carriage at Martin Luther King rallies. My grandfather was a union organizer. And to me, there is no room - no room - for discrimination of any kind. To me, it's just an anathema.

Balls should be good for at least six sets, and for more for the average player. But if the rallies are long, they do not last as long as this. There is a fuzz on the surface that wears off on the hard court.

I just came from South Africa, a place that had been in a perpetual uprising since 1653, so the uprising had become a way of life in our culture and we grew up with rallies and strikes and marches and boycotts.

My aggression out there is my weapon. I think it's more letting them know that I'm not going to let them get away with something, and I'm not just going to kind of poke it back and be content to stay in rallies.

Yet what you need is not marches, demonstrations, rallies or wide associations, all of them are important. What you need is direct action. The sooner people understand that, the sooner we'll begin to change things.

Young people are already leading on climate action. I see it at rallies to reject the Keystone XL dirty tar sands pipeline. I see it in the push to demand justice for communities being run over by fracking operations.

It was of limited usefulness to head great rallies. The government did not listen, and, soon enough, the tear gas and the muzzles of the guns were turned against the people. The justice of our cries went unrecognized.

Throughout the 2016 presidential election, I listened. At debates and rallies, I heard their voices clearly and felt compelled to do something more. Thousands and thousands of women spoke with confidence and conviction.

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