Violence recoils on the violent.

Evil on itself shall back recoil.

Crime oft recoils upon the author's head.

What do I feel when I shoot an enemy? Recoil.

The Democrats generally recoil from the subject of entitlements.

Let's do what you fear most That from which you recoil But which still makes your eyes moist

One cannot violate the promptings of one's nature without having that nature recoil upon itself.

I am such a coward when it comes to political arguments. I tend to sort of recoil rather than engage.

Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another.

Violence and wrong enclose all who commit them in their meshes and do mostly recoil on him from whom they begin.

U.S. stocks did not recoil from Trump's electoral victory, instead setting a record for election-to-year-end gains.

I know in war good people can feel obliged for good reasons to do things they would normally object to and recoil from.

Would it be a surprise if entrepreneurs recoil at the thought of consciously courting any person who has more power and money than they have?

Politics is rough and tumble everywhere, and many women recoil from that negative aspect of it - the nastiness, the charges and counter-charges.

Life presents itself in constantly changing ways, but you're able to accept the challenges, rather than recoil, throw up your hands, and go on a binge.

On the day when two army corps may mutually annihilate each other in a second, probably all civilized nations will recoil with horror and disband their troops.

I like a little chivalry; I like to receive flowers. I like taking care of a son and a husband, and in my judgment, those who recoil from these things don't know what they're missing.

I thought this must be obvious to everyone else, as it seemed obvious to me; and that, if once it became apparent that we were on the edge, all the Great Powers would call a halt and recoil from the abyss.

Blackness has always been stigmatised, even amongst black people who flee from the density of that blackness. Some black people recoil from black people who are that dark because it has always been stigmatised.

My instinct is to absolutely recoil when talking about writing in a mechanistic way. Nothing could be dumber than writing a film or TV script based on prescriptions, on other peoples' ideas of what character should be.

There is a danger for Britain as we perceive ourselves, or as we are - less wealthy, facing economic austerity - that we essentially draw back. I think there is a recoil in parts of the country, and in parts of the government actually, from the multilateral system, and I think that's dangerous and wrong.

When I started out playing small clubs, you could feel the room recoil from certain kinds of songs. Anything that was too personal, that had a sentiment to it, or was laying out your feelings, was immediately booed. People would start throwing things. And anything that was really provocative or humorous or radical was embraced or cheered.

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