Quick. Name ten dead redheads.

I think redheads have more fun than blondes.

People were making fun of redheads before I came along.

A lot of my family are redheads, but I'm a dark blonde.

Redheads feel hot and cold temperatures more severely than anyone else.

Redheads have a lightness, a craziness, a kookiness. Think of Lucille Ball.

Redheads get so stereotyped. You're either exotic and wild or totally Victorian.

I get hit on so much it's not normal. I didn't realize so many men liked redheads.

I love being a redhead. It's a rare thing, so I think there's a bond between redheads.

In British culture, redheads get teased at school. But I've grown up enough to realize I love my hair.

In college, my friends called me Mr. James Bond 007 because I entertained everything: blonds, brunettes, redheads. I'm across the board.

In Holland, there's a song that goes, 'Redheads - they know how to kiss.' But that's obviously not a song I made. I don't know who made that song.

Indeed, throughout much of history and in many cultures, redheads have been viewed with suspicion and fear - and even killed - because of their hair.

I think I'm basically the same guy I always was. Maybe I've learned, through experience, to rein in some of the anger and temper they say redheads normally have.

My mum taught me that redheads shouldn't wear pink, red or orange, but if you choose the right shade, such as a bright orange or a cherry red, it can look fabulous.

I like to look put together without trying too hard. I don't want to look as if God's made another rainbow - I prefer muted, autumnal colours, like most fading redheads.

In England we burnt redheads at the stake, because we thought they were witches. There are still young redheads in Britain getting ripped for having red hair. 'Oy, Ginger!'

I've been compared to a lot of redheads. Here's the thing though: you can look nothing like somebody, but if you both have red hair, all of a sudden people think you look exactly the same.

Eighteenth-century matrons would have never have dreamed of appointing a redhaired wet nurse for their precious offspring - redheads passed on their horrible characters through their milk.

I get a little freaked out when I'm around too many redheads. I only have about one or two red-haired friends, and when a bunch of us get together, I feel like there's going to be a fight that breaks out or something.

Redheads were particularly persecuted during the European witch trials of the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The colour was associated with the devil, and the pale skin which most redheads have was thought unnatural and deathly.

Darcy, the heroine of 'Something Blue,' is quite shallow and opinionated. At one point, she commented that she dislikes 'gingers,' i.e., men with red hair. I received several emails from fiery redheads who said they were offended by 'my' comments. I had to remind them that it is fiction.

I don't hate redheads! The millionaire men - wealthy men - never pick them. Every time I offer them they say no. I could say the most gorgeous redhead in the world and they'll say no, they don't want it. Now if you ask an Irish guy in Ireland, he says 'yes,' because that's indigenous to that country.

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