The reality you experience is a reflection of what you believe is most possible.

Well, it's a good life and a good world, all said and done, if you don't weaken.

Examining your thoughts is an important part of the practice of self-reflections

has it ever occurred to you that where there is no anger, there is also no love?

It was important that this album [Chain Letter] was an accurate reflection of me

Laboratories are useful, but reflection for us must always start from experience.

Opinions are secondary when dealing with reality. They're subjective reflections.

My works were designed to amuse, annoy, bewilder, mystify and inspire reflection.

Reflection is the lamp of the heart. If it departs, the heart will have no light.

The entertainment industry is vast and is a reflection of the society we live in.

Most disquieting reflection of all, was it not bad form to think about good form?

The Federal Government is the people and the budget is a reflection of their need.

Everything that you see here, in other words, is a reflection of a higher reality.

Eloquence, when in its highest pitch, leaves little room for reason or reflection.

No, Cassius; for the eye sees not itself, But by reflection, by some other things.

Time and reflection change the sight little by little 'till we come to understand.

Government . . . is a reflection of us. It is up to us to earn a better reflection.

Art is... a reflection of a greater divine creation. There really is no separation.

Study without reflection is a waste of time; reflection without study is dangerous.

My intention is to create opportunities for reflections and meditations on history.

When I was younger, I did dark movies. It was a reflection of what I saw around me.

Without deep reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people.

Definitely. The way I look is a reflection of who I am. That's how my music is too.

You turn inward. There's nothing to distract you, so you begin to look at yourself.

The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind.

He who reflects on another man's want of breeding, shows he wants it as much himself

Wit is the lightning of the mind, reason the sunshine, and reflection the moonlight.

I think it's a healthy thing for the Democratic Party to go through some reflection.

A dream is always simmering below the conventional surface of speech and reflection.

In the stream, Rushing past To the dusty world, My fleeting form Casts no reflection.

The look of a gentleman is little else than the reflection of the looks of the world.

Who could be so lucky? Who comes to a lake for water and sees the reflection of moon.

Sunday evenings are heavier than clouds with rain, darker too and often interminable.

I think it's like everything you do is just a reflection of who you are as an artist.

Reflection increases the vigor of the mind, as exercise does the strength of the body.

Art calls for complete mastery of techniques, developed by reflection within the soul.

Kids are like a mirror, what they see and hear they do. Be a good reflection for them.

The reality of art is disclosed only in experience, not in reflection upon experience.

What we take from the spirit world is only a reflection of what lies inside ourselves.

Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed by our minds.

The respect you give others is a dramatic reflection of the respect you give yourself.

How people treat other people is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.

I give the niggaz what they came to see, a reflection of one self where they aim to be.

I want to be a reflection of what's going on and let people draw their own conclusions.

The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the expectations of your peer group.

Now I'm a little hurt. Let me check my tears in the reflection of my championship gold.

My love is something valuable to me which I ought not to throw away without reflection.

Remembrance and reflection how allied. What thin partitions divides sense from thought.

The image that concerns most people is the reflection they see in other people's minds.

Music is always a reflection of what's going on in the hearts and minds of the culture.

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