I love my mother to death. I'm pretty much a reflection of her.

I don't think of reflection on dark things as necessarily dark.

Hollywood is a reflection of a general climate that we live in.

Abundance is a state of mind, more than a reflection of wealth.

On reflection, I think the 1980s were a dreadful, abysmal time.

One of the saddest things in life, is the things one remembers.

Hollywood has to be a better reflection of the world we live in.

I did not know my soul until I saw it's reflection in your eyes.

My public image is absolutely not a fair reflection of who I am.

Most people's lives are a direct reflection of their peer groups.

I think dystopian futures are also a reflection of current fears.

A garden is a reflection of you, it's your presence in the world.

The flaws you see in others are actually a reflection of yourself.

I have always preferred the reflection of the life to life itself.

These landscapes of water and reflection have become an obsession.

All relationships are a reflection of our relationship to ourself.

When I reflect on how things have changed, I can't help but laugh.

I am the reflection of my source which is magnificent in all ways.

I've always loved fashion - it's a reflection of your personality.

Fashion is a language, for sure, and it is a reflection of society.

I think sex is really about the self, and really a self-reflection.

Your life is but a reflection of the predominance of your thoughts.

Words are chameleons, which reflect the color of their environment.

Love is more than a one way reflection, stop using sex as a weapon.

There is music in words, and it can be heard you know, by thinking.

All relationship is a reflection of your relationship with yourself.

We could not have gotten where we are without coming the way we came.

This outward spring and garden are a reflection of the inward garden.

Is there nowhere in an American house where one may be by one's self?

The gratitude you receive from others is a reflection of your genius.

Her own thoughts and reflections were habitually her best companions.

Thirst drove me down to the water where I drank the moon's reflection.

I think that business should be a reflection of who a person truly is.

The enemy of reflection is the breakneck pace - the thousand pictures.

Dreams are life, real life, not simply reflections. Dreams are honest.

Rain in the graveyard, and the world puddled into blurred reflections.

Take charge of your schedule. Make time for reflection and relaxation.

Art is not a reflection of reality, it is the reality of a reflection.

Make sure the outside of you is a good reflection of the inside of you

Difficulty creates the opportunity for self-reflection and compassion.

Sleep is a mirror of life in which can be seen the reflection of death.

Reflection is one of the most underused yet powerful tools for success.

The patchwork nature of the forms are a reflection of sexuality itself.

You spend your time thinking about that and you get lost in reflection.

I gazed at every mirror on the planet, not one gave back my reflection.

If Dracula can’t see his reflection, how come his parting’s always neat?

Nobody of us has ever seen ourselves! We see a reflection in the mirror.

A soul without reflection, like a pile Without inhabitant, to ruin runs.

O lady, nobility is thine, and thy form is the reflection of thy nature!

Fashion is a reflection of your personality, so have fun and experiment.

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