Discrimination involves reflection and absorption.

Reflection in the mirror makes reality look at you

Mind is but a poor reflection of the radiant Heart.

He studied cities as women study their reflections.

A film is the reflection of the soul of its creator.

A shadow of a reflection of an image of an illusion.

Love is a conflict between reflexes and reflections.

The outer world is a reflection of our inner selves.

I don't know which me that I love, got no reflection.

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.

The mirror reflects all objects without being sullied

How could you cleanse yourself if you couldn’t forget?

Bewilderment increases in the presence of the mirrors.

Look at the world as a reflection of your inner state.

Reflection is not something you have a lot of time for.

What you wear onstage is a reflection of your artistry.

Really good musicians don't think of "self-reflection."

We always say that fashion is a reflection of our times.

On Man, on Nature, and on Human Life, Musing is solitude

Irony is the gaiety of reflection and the joy of wisdom.

Critisism is just reflection of the person that speaking

Terminator' is a reflection of how the world is changing.

Art is a reflection of everything that impacts your life.

Everything family does is reflection on the other people.

I had chosen to use my work as a reflection of my values.

Just another point of view, I'm just a reflection of you.

Your heart works for you, but do you work for your heart?

A voice is such a deep, personal reflection of character.

My films are always a reflection of where I am in my life.

Whatever is shown in a TV show is a reflection of society.

Symbiosis is a much higher reflection of intelligent life.

Music is my life, it is a reflection of what I go through.

how sad and bad and mad it was - but then, how it was sweet

My music is a whole reflection of who I'm as an individual.

I've always thought surfing is a reflection of who you are.

What we have learned from other becomes our own reflection.

When you see beauty anywhere, it's a reflection of yourself.

Style is a reflection of your attitude and your personality.

People soften by the forced reflection that comes with loss.

Everything that happens to us is a reflection of who we are.

Where I come from your truck is a reflection of who you are.

We men who serve science serve only a reflection in a mirror.

The mirror never sees itself. The reflection never is itself.

We've changed our reflections, but inside we're just a child.

Calculate "owner earnings" to get a true reflection of value.

Reflection and action must never be undertaken independently.

It is good to be firm by temperament and pliant by reflection.

Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection.

In silence and movement you can show the reflection of people.

I act with full responsibility and after extensive reflection.

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