I'm just a pretty regular dad.

I'm just a regular 24/7 dad now.

I feel like I'm regular. I'm humble.

I've always been a super regular guy.

I'm one of those regular weird people.

No clock is more regular than the belly.

My goal is to try to avoid a regular job.

I don't play a regular guy at all - never.

I do regular kid stuff like play video games.

I'm a regular person with an extraordinary job.

I'm what you'd call a regular guy with a big job.

I'd just like to be treated like a regular customer.

I really didn't want to rap; I was just a regular kid.

I love having my hoop earrings. Just regular gold hoops.

I am not a fitness freak, but I do my regular exercises.

I certainly don't eat raw bison liver on a regular basis.

My mom always made sure I lived my life as a regular kid.

And I would urge all women to have that regular mammogram.

I don't make it in regular channels, and that's okay for me.

I do a combination of running and kung fu on a regular basis.

Eventually the story would spill over into the regular media.

I'm a regular dude from Kansas who grew up with pigs and cows.

I love the normalcy of Cleveland. There's regular people there.

I just drink regular drip coffee, but I'm kind of a coffee baby.

I went to a regular school, not one of those fame academy things.

I was a regular little boy who also enjoyed things that girls did.

I live in New York and travel all over the world on a regular basis.

I really feel like a regular dude who happens to be incredibly lucky.

I'm really just a regular guy who has had an incredibly blessed life.

Michael Anthony is the Diplomat of Rock N Roll. He is the regular guy.

You can pour melted ice cream on regular ice cream. It's like a sauce!

I'm really into the human interest thing. I really like regular people.

5G goes beyond the regular operator business; it's a business revolution.

I was bringing my attitude as a regular person 'cause this is my attitude.

I'm just a regular upper-middle-class guy who happens to be a billionaire.

It's all about the playoffs for me. I don't care about the regular season.

Even during my injury, I had fun because I got to be a regular college kid.

Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on.

The peacock has become one of my regular sources of inspiration from nature.

I'm just a regular guy trying to make my dream come true like everybody else.

Honestly, being a doctor could make you more close minded than regular people.

No man is regular in his attendance at the House of Commons until he is married.

I'm just a regular person who believes life is simple, and I like a simple life.

Good nutrition and regular exercise definitely help you cope with life's dramas.

I'm just a regular Baltimore chick who believed in God enough to follow her dreams.

I would never try to measure fame; I'm really just a regular chick from New Jersey.

The rating agencies historically actually did a pretty good job rating regular bonds.

I want to be a champion for the people I have fought for all my life - regular people.

Be regular and orderly in your life, that you may be violent and original in your work.

Shelf-life for a regular video game usually is about three to five years, and that's it.

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