Art and cinema is not restricted to any language.

I was never restricted. I was never told what to do.

I do not want to be restricted to a particular image.

I don't feel restricted by the language: I feel more free.

I have never felt vulnerable nor restricted in my movements.

I don't want to be restricted in where I field and how I field.

I love country music. I don't ever feel restricted by the genre.

The power to tax and spend is restricted by the enumerated powers.

People's access to social media should not permanently be restricted.

Jobs cannot be created if innovation is restricted to large corporates.

I do not want myself to be restricted to a pigeonholed kind of filmmaker.

Female poets in the 17th century had these very confined, restricted lives.

I enjoy doing all kinds of roles, but I don't want to be restricted to comedy alone.

It seems that this situation is not restricted to science but is more generally human.

When one gets time duration, one becomes very restricted, and hence, creativity suffers.

Growing up, I was restricted at home from playing video games until I reached university.

Being a comedian is probably the only job apart from undertaking that isn't age restricted.

We like to think of film and music as art, but actually art is something that is not restricted.

I couldn't see my father's films because they were restricted and we didn't have videos or DVDs back then.

I can never thoroughly appreciate meals on ships because, away from land, I feel my autonomy is restricted.

I don't like being restricted. When I climb, I feel free and unrestricted; away from any social commitments.

My intention is not to make clothes. My head would be too restricted if I only thought about making clothes.

I am a believer in god, but I have not restricted myself to one religion. I have experienced many religions.

North as well as South, the Negroes have emerged from slavery into a serfdom of poverty and restricted rights.

When we oldies were kids, there was little on offer, food wise, particularly for people with restricted diets.

If our men and women in uniform are restricted from buying first-class airfare, the same should apply to Congress.

I have never restricted myself to my strengths and abilities, as they are unlimited, and I am still discovering them.

Because my musical training has been limited, I've never been restricted by what technical musicians might call a song.

I've put in as many as 40 weeks a year on stage. It is lonely and restricted, as all artistic life must necessarily be.

Information agencies operate in an industry that values data. Restricted access to information is what makes it valuable.

We create the technology to connect the world. We are a large network company and not restricted to just the telecom space.

I am of the belief that acting is a form of blended art that shouldn't be restricted to a particular type or even a country.

Under Howard, federal government support for black Australia slowly dried up. Services were slashed, native title restricted.

When you do 'Strictly,' you're kind of restricted. You have to dance for 90 seconds, you have to choreograph for your partner.

Architecture is restricted to such a limited vocabulary. A building is either a high-rise or a perimeter block or a town house.

The kids growing up in the apartheid era were so restricted and angry - if they spoke out against it, they were thrown in jail.

I'm very chill, and when I'm out, I want to make sure that my outfit makes me feel comfortable and that I don't feel restricted.

Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing.

The dynamic, creative present, however conditioned and restricted by the effects of prior presents, possesses genuine initiative.

If you think about it, the people of Cuba and North Korea will never meet because, well, they have restricted freedom of movement.

I am doing something I love, travelling the world, meeting fans, feeling confident, and I am no longer restricted by my sexuality.

The more that we've tried to think conventionally in terms of guys playing just a specific position, it restricted us a little bit.

In the 1950s and 1960s, an explosion of great corporate jobs, together with a restricted supply of labor, produced healthy wage growth.

If the chain symmetry is maintained in the crystal lattice, the possible occurrence of different space groups is considerably restricted.

When you write on the road, you are restricted to the instruments around you, whereas in the studio, you can plug anything in and try it.

Love can never make you weak, and love is not restricted to opposite sex. I love my parents, I love my animals, and I love my profession.

I didn't like to be restricted, because when you're in a choir, you have a part to sing and you sing it. I always liked singing on my own.

The right of liberty is God-given and immortal. It cannot be regulated. Or controlled. It cannot be banned. And it must not be restricted.

I was lucky to become a Facebook board member in late 2008. Restricted stock units granted me at the time have increased many times in value.

I like the outdoors. I like to run. In gym I feel restricted. When I exercise in open, it gives me a certain freedom and pushes me to do more.

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