The thoughtful soul to solitude retires.

Conductors start getting good when everybody else retires.

Hey, Ryan, if Sting retires, will he change his name to Stung?

Who retires before they even get to the UFC? Losers, that's who.

I don't think anybody ever really just retires where they don't do anything.

When a man retires, his wife gets twice the husband but only half the income.

When a band retires or is In hiding, a void is created. The fans' need is still there.

Pop music is a fashion, and fashions come and go. The public retires you as their tastes change.

If you think about who retires during their prime, the number of athletes who do that is very small.

I don't understand why James Bond has to be a man all the time. When Pierce Brosnan retires, why not one of us?

I don't want there to be a time where I'm 'too old' to box on, or where an injury retires me in or out of the ring.

We have seven months before the election. Our top priority as fiscal conservatives is to make sure President Obama retires.

If I'm watching my favorite boxer, and he's just won the heavyweight championship of the world, and he retires, it kind of makes the guy a legend.

You retire when you are sick and when you can't do it any more or when the public retires you. That's the most painful, because that's the one that leaves you wanting to accomplish more.

I'm not going to be a guy that retires and keeps coming back. When I'm gone, I'm gone. Same thing as amateur wrestling; when I won the world championships in Olympics, I left and I never went back. Same for pro.

The history of Real Madrid is impressive, and Cristiano Ronaldo added a piece more to the history of this club, but Real Madrid can't stop. The player changes club, stops playing, retires and Real Madrid will still be here.

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