Learning and sex until rigor mortis.

There is no rigorous definition of rigor.

Every obstacle is destroyed through rigor.

Goku: But I'm so hungry, I have rigor mortis!

An extreme rigor is sure to arm everything against it.

Museum collections have given photography rigor, and mortis.

Mathematics has given economics rigor, but alas, also mortis.

Jesuits encourage an intellectual rigor in a way that I like.

Whatever you think rigor looks like, you should go up a few notches.

The long and short of it is, we need more rigor in all kinds of programs.

In basic research, intellectual rigor and sentimental freedom necessarily alternate.

How to teach rigor while preserving imagination is an unsolved challenge to education.

Love melts the rigor which the rocks have bred; a flint will break upon a feather bed.

Rigor is always appropriate when investing in markets, whatever the ultimate conclusions may be.

As much as I like teaching and students, it's a kind of rigor, a discipline, that's against my body.

Rigor pushed too far is sure to miss its aim, however good, as the bow snaps that is bent too stiffly.

There is a higher degree of operational excellence and rigor demanded of Stripe than of most companies.

You always remember the delicacy of the work you do on a new play - the delicacy and the rigor and the courage.

The circumstances of human society are too complicated to be submitted to the rigor of mathematical calculation.

I reiterate that the rigor and credibility brought to the world by Monti's government are for us a point of no return.

We just can't shake monogamy. It definitely demands a kind of rigor and discipline and selflessness. But it's also fun.

I've been a longtime admirer of Condoleezza Rice, because I like her articulateness and style - her toughness and rigor.

I see myself as a journalist reporting neglected stories about our past and trying to bring rigor, reason and intuition to the quest.

The object of mathematical rigor is to sanction and legitimize the conquests of intuition, and there was never any other object for it.

When salaries skyrocket, budgets skyrocket, and then rigor mortis sets in: moviemakers turn out formulaic junk in an effort to hedge their bets.

Lenience will operate with greater force, in some instances than rigor. It is therefore my first wish to have all of my conduct distinguished by it.

Oftentimes, successful brands can lose discipline or become complacent over time, applying less rigor to the cost control and returns on investment.

Mine is just a simple old human story - of one person trying, with great rigor and discipline, to comprehend her personal relationship with divinity.

Madrid's players are carried along by the football itself, what they feel in each moment; they're not guided by tactical rigor or a specific structure.

I find that the work I do as an actor that's most challenging commands an athleticism or, certainly, a physicality. And also a rigor, a physical rigor.

France is a fantastic country. It's between the Anglo-Saxon and Latin cultures. We have some of the Anglo-Saxon rigor, and some of the Latin quirkiness.

As I looked across the company, there are three things that keep coming up that we need to work on: culture, our operating rigor, and capital allocation.

In Necessary Marriage, I tried to repeat entire phrases without the reader noticing. My work doesn't have the rigor of music, but I hope it alludes to it.

It is our hope that the AP program can serve as an anchor for increasing rigor in our schools. Rigor can be maintained while increasing student participation.

The social sciences, I thought, needed the same kind of rigor and the same mathematical underpinnings that had made the 'hard' sciences so brilliantly successful.

Once I really started to understand Frank Stella's work and follow it, there's a certain type of invention and playfulness and extreme rigor with which he kept going forward.

The completion of my undergraduate training at the University of California (Berkeley) provided just the needed touches of rigor at advanced levels in both economics and mathematics.

In the late 1960s, the New Classical economists saw the same weaknesses in the microfoundations of macroeconomics that have motivated me. They hated its lack of rigor. And they sacked it.

I don't buy this thing that our industry is responsible for all the ills of the world. We have great people at JPMorgan Chase. We operate with a lot of rigor. Our clients are happy with us.

Generally, I'm not writing about genomes or anything like that. But people underestimate the creativity you use in science and the rigor you need in music. They basically have the same path.

It was the kind of love that, sooner or later, cornered you into a choice: either you tore free or you stayed and withstood its rigor even as it squeezed you into something smaller than yourself.

Christianity began as a religion of the poor and dispossessed - farmers, fishermen, Bedouin shepherds. There's a great lure to that kind of simplicity and rigor - the discipline, the call to action.

You don't have to subject yourself to the sweep and rigor of Bourdieu's book 'Distinction' to feel how thoroughly a lower-calorie version of its ideas has been absorbed into the cultural bloodstream.

The rigor and discipline we use in running our business is key to consistently executing our growth strategy. And we systematically applied the same discipline to our investments, including acquisitions.

Extremes, though contrary, have the like effects. Extreme heat kills, and so extreme cold: extreme love breeds satiety, and so extreme hatred; and too violent rigor tempts chastity, as does too much license.

In thus pointing out certain respects in which philosophy resembles literature more than science, I do not mean, of course, to imply that it would be well for philosophy if it ceased to aim at scientific rigor.

I can put together a pretty decent meal from whatever happens to be in the refrigerator and the pantry. I like the challenge of this sort of improvisation, the rigor of limitation and sometimes having to take a risk.

The older we get, the more we desire to reclaim our body at 25; we'll take our face at 35, the elasticity of our mind at its most powerful, to return ourselves somehow to our most vital moment of rigor and protean creation.

I believe in the will. I believe in discipline. I believe in the organization. I believe in the rigor that gives us work. I believe in love as an engine of all things. I believe in the light. I believe in God. I believe in kindness.

I went to work for Catholics United for the Faith, and I basically found myself in the midst of the traditionalist branch of the Catholic revival. There is an intellectual rigor that is very much valued there and that I was in awe of.

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