When I give I give myself.

I'm a lover not a fighter.

We only part to meet again.

Beauty is the lover's gift.

Till I loved I never lived.

Love Is Stronger Than Pride

I'm a very romantic person.

Love alone could waken love.

Love is being stupid together.

I wish I knew how to quit you.

Romantic love is an addiction.

A man's kiss is his signature.

I need you because I love you.

With you, I would walk anywhere

I'm really a romantic at heart.

Love is friendship set on fire.

Holding you, I held everything.

What will survive of us is love.

My heart is like a singing bird.

ever thine, ever mine, ever ours

Plant your love and let it grow.

Soul meets soul on lovers' lips.

I'd like to do a romantic comedy.

Words of love, are works of love.

I love you more than my own skin.

I will love you unconditionally .

Nothing prepared me for your smile

I have so much of you in my heart.

Where there is love there is life.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Things must be felt with the heart.

Surely the stars are images of love.

Love is the whole and more than all.

We were together. I forget the rest.

I'll place my love beneath the stars.

I'm a hopeless 19th-century romantic.

I know I would crumble if I lost you.

Romance is tempestuous. Love is calm.

I'll be a poet, and you'll be poetry.

So the lover must struggle for words.

With every breath, I'm deeper in you.

Kisses are a better fate than wisdom.

You are like nobody since I love you.

I wish I knew how to quit you, Tumblr.

If music be the food of love, play on.

Find me now. Before someone else does.

It isn't possible to love and to part.

There is always something left to love.

Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.

Kisses, even to the air, are beautiful.

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