I will soothe you and heal you, I will bring you roses. I too have been covered with thorns.

Under the rose, since here are none but friends, To own the truth we have some private ends.

Couldn't Lissa have healed that black eye away?" "Its a badge of honor. Makes me seem manly.

Too bad. Family members hit you by accident. Psychopathic whores tend to come back for more.

Dimitri: "Why did you come here?" Rose: "Because you hit me on the head and dragged me here.

If I'd wanted this place to fill up with every fat Irish rose that passes by, I'd've said so.

It is a rose planted in your heart, and as it's thorns tear you, so does it thrive and flower

Every rose that is sweet-scented within, That rose is telling of the secrets of the Universal.

Few women see power as an end in itself. The point of power is the freedom to cultivate roses.

Because it’s our duty to God to protect the rest of humanity from evil creatures of the night.

Always search for your innermost nature in those you are with, as rose oil imbibes from roses.

The best way to killing a rose is to force it open when it is still only the promise of a bud.

You can not pluck roses without fear of thorns, Nor enjoy a fair wife without danger of horns.

The fragrance of religious and spiritual life is much finer and subtler than that of the rose.

My desk is covered with talismans: pieces of rose quartz, wishing stones from a favorite beach.

A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle between the future and the past.

And the guelder rose In a great stillness dropped, and ever dropped, Her wealth about her feet.

The rose does best as a rose. Lilies make the best lilies. And look! You - the best you around!

Tis emblematic, the rose of youth and health soon fades when watered by the tear of affliction.

A faint blush melting through the light of thy transparent cheek like a rose-leaf bathed in dew.

I pride myself on being the guy who can do Def Comedy Jam and Charlie Rose. And do well on both.

Abe glanced at Rose. "You see that?" he said. "Now that's devotion." She rolled her eyes at him.

I rose too high, loved too hard, dared too much. I tried to grasp a star, overreached, and fell.

The Israelis haven't done anything to the Palestinians. They treated them with flowers and roses.

Which is weird. But not the craziest thing I can think of Rose doing.ʺ I appreciated the support.

The rose does not bloom without thorns. True, but would that the thorns did not outlive the rose.

Alas, that Spring should vanish with the Rose! That Youths sweet-scented Manuscript should close!

The Rose which here on earth is now perceived by me, has blossomed thus in god from all eternity.

Each one of us has it in themselves to be a free spirit, just as every rose bud has in it a rose.

With thought, with the ideal, is immortal hilarity, the rose of joy. Round it all the muses sing.

Then soon with the emblem of truth overflowing, And dripping with coolness, it rose from the well.

People are always saying, English, English, English rose, and I just feel so completely different.

You and I have never liked each other, Rose. If I’ve got to kill someone, it might as well be you.

He looked up at them, a scruffy Napoleon with his laces trailing, exiled to a rose-trellised Elba.

I said the same things to Axl [Rose] that everyone said to me when me and Joe Perry were fighting.

The monsters that rose from the dead, they are nothing compared to the ones we carry in our hearts

Information appears to stew out of me naturally, like the precious otter of roses out of the otter.

You may learn to imitate a birdcall, but do you experience what the nightingale feels for the rose?

If you let hydrogen gas alone for 13 billion years it will become giraffes, rose bushes and humans.

I have no desire whatsoever to desecrate the grave of seminal Manchester pop group the Stone Roses.

She bathed with roses red, And violets blew. And all the sweetest flowres That in the forrest grew.

Sad; so sad, those smoky-rose, smoky-mauve evenings of late Autumn, sad enough to pierce the heart.

A rose is but a rose, it blooms because it blooms; it thinks not of itself, nor asks if it is seen.

I think it was Rose Macaulay who said, "A house unkept cannot be so distressing as a life unlived."

Remember that the Unification Church rose, not in freedom, but from a prison, the pit of suffering.

Because it's simple, I love you, and I don't want to keep pretending like I don't. -Rose to Dimitri

You don't blast a heart open," she said. "You coax and nurture it open, like the sun does to a rose.

I rose as from the death that wipes out the sadness of life, and then dies itself in the new morrow.

If your thought is a rose, you are a rose garden; and if it is a thistle, you are fuel for the fire.

I watch news from the minute I wake up till 11. Then I switch to Charlie Rose. Fox News all the way.

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