Use it, Rosie, that's what it's there for.

I was a Rosie the Riveter. I'm really proud of that.

Rosie get off your desk, and please put your beard away.

Rosie Grier was the springboard to the return of my life.

Rosie knows how to play ball. She's an athlete, for sure.

I really appreciate people like Rosie coming out and saying I've inspired them.

Cara Delevingne, Gisele Bundchen and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley are all gorgeous.

The mainstream needs Ellen DeGeneres and Rosie O'Donnell. The mainstream needs RuPaul.

Do you ever think about having sex with Rosie O'Donnell because you are straight? Same thing.

Men are the Rosie-the-Riveters of parenting. They're brought in only when needed, and considered disposable thereafter.

I came to the conclusion that the very best thing for Rosie, from the time she was 2 weeks old, was for us to get married.

Alf Wight was remarkable, and I keep in touch regularly with his children Rosie and Jim, I love them dearly and I owe them.

When I was a kid Ellen DeGeneres and Rosie O'Donnell were mere blips on the gaydar; and they were both still in the closet.

When I was a kid, Ellen DeGeneres and Rosie O'Donnell were mere blips on the gaydar; and they were both still in the closet.

I actually like the sort of industrial, working-class woman like Rosie the Riveter, so I'm kind of like the sort of street style of the '50s.

Rosie Perez is the coolest. She's kind of everything you want her to be. She's involved in so many cool things, political charities and stuff.

I love playing Rosie on 'Devious Maids,' and I think that if Rosie would have an NFL team to root for, she would also be a Cleveland Browns fan.

My favorite game was one I invented with my cousins called Mean Aunt Rosie, where I was a deranged maiden aunt who chased them around the house.

I don't have much history - I've got Rosie Perez, Jennifer Lopez, Rita Moreno. That's it. That's the history of Latin women in Hollywood, really.

I don't follow the relevant trends anymore. But I love Rosie Huntington-Whiteley's style, I think she is timeless, chic, and most importantly, classy.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is just perfect-looking. Whether she's walking down the street, she looks so regal and elegant all the time, and I love that.

The character of Rosie is based on a woman who used to live in the same apartment building I lived in many years ago. She's taken on a life of her own, of course.

I had my Aunt Rosie, who was famous and then not, so I got a lesson in fame early on. And I understood how little it has to do with you. And also how you could use it.

I used to watch 'The Jetsons' growing up. I used to think that this woman, Rosie, the robot housekeeper, was going to exist. I think we're far away from that happening.

Part of the reason why I've never said that I was gay until now was because I didn't want that adjective assigned to my name for all of eternity. You know, gay Rosie O'Donnell.

What did everyone think robot vacuuming was going to be? Well, they think Rosie the Robot from 'The Jetsons,' a human robot that pushed a vacuum. That was never going to happen.

When I started at Pratt, Spike Lee had his 40 Acres and A Mule studios down the street. You'd see Rosie Perez walking around going to Mike's Coffee Shop. So it was this black bohemian.

'They Walk Among Us' is the work of husband-and-wife team Benjamin and Rosie. In the past, they've covered the Shannon Matthews case and the career of the prisoner known as Charles Bronson.

I was looking through a newspaper and it was an audition for 'Kids Say the Darndest Things,' so I tried out. One thing led to another and I appeared on 'The Rosie O'Donnell Show' and 'Oprah.'

Every small thing grows when you nurture it, Rosie. Love is just the same. But if that is making you miserable then, leave and find something else that brings you happiness you deserve to feel.

My aunt, Rosie Gaines, sung with Prince - 'Diamonds and Pearls.' And at the time, I didn't realize how big of a song that was. I just thought, 'Oh, that's my auntie singing with Prince. That's cool.'

From Obama to Michael Bloomberg, Dianne Feinstein, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell and the rest of the media-political elite, the whole time they're attacking your right to own a gun, they're enjoying armed security for themselves.

In the beginning of Roomba, we all took turns answering the support line. Once, a woman called and explained that her robot had a defective motor. I said, 'Send it back. We'll send you a new one.' She said, 'No - I'm not sending you Rosie.'

I've known the poet Eileen Myles since the 1990s, when I first moved to New York, and I remember seeing her walking her Pit Bull Rosie around the East Village. She had these beautiful arms and David Cassidy hair and the sort of swagger so many of the gay boys I knew wished we had. We all had crushes on her.

'Feminist comedy,' practically an oxymoron, had a couple of good years after WWII. Chalk it up to the forced female autonomy that occurred during wartime, when Rosie the Riveter went to work in the factories, constructing the Allies' war machines while taking charge of the finances, the home, and the children.

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