Fashion goes round in circles.

Fraud makes the world go round.

I'm in shape. Round is a shape.

You get better as the rounds go on.

I can go round the clock without sleep.

I box 12 rounds a day five days a week.

It's love that makes the world go round.

Wisdom sits with children round her knees.

I feel like five rounds is nothing for me.

Every one soon or late comes round by Rome.

There's round-winners, and there's fighters.

For 12 years, I was playing writer's rounds.

If! If! You can get 'round anything with 'if'.

The world only goes round by misunderstanding.

The longest way round is the shortest way home

The ball is round, make sure you pass it around

All things come round to him who will but wait.

If you round out your edges, you lose your edge.

We all arrive on Earth with a round-trip ticket.

If anything, I get better throughout the rounds.

IT'S funny. It doesn't work the other way round !

Death: the anaesthetic from which none come round.

With all this darkness round me I feel less alone.

Our heads are round so thought can change direction

... women are the pivot round which the world turns.

You don't go hunting for a deer and shoot 50 rounds.

The greatest artists always come round to simplicity.

Don't play too much golf. Two rounds a day are plenty.

It is hard for a flat thing to understand a round one.

The world is a wheel, and it will all come round right.

I'm surprized Hitler didn't round up the toupee people.

The ball is round so that the game can change direction

The person I fear most in the last two rounds is myself.

I don't have to rush the fight. I have five rounds to win.

I take the family shopping round. The markets of the world.

To sing a simple round is truly an enlightening experience.

It is trust, more than money, that makes the world go round.

I have played a handful of rounds of golf with Wayne Gretzky.

There is nothing more tedious than a constant round of gaiety.

What You Lose on the Swings You Make Up on the Merry-Go-Round.

I just need to count the rounds and count me money afterwards.

For Brazil, the World Cup really starts in the knockout rounds.

Talent and skill goes out the window after eight or nine rounds.

I say that we are wound With mercy round and round As if with air.

As a 20th round pick nothing was handed to me in the minor leagues.

Why waltz with a guy for 10 rounds if you can knock him out in one?

All work done mindfully rounds us out, helps complete us as persons.

But from the hoop's bewitching round, Her very shoe has power to wound.

It is nationalism which engenders nations, and not the other way round.

The present enables us to understand the past, not the other way round.

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