A plausible rumor / Seems a lot more believable / Than the truth itself.

I heard there's rumors on the Internets that we're going to have a draft.

A rumor is one thing that gets thicker instead of thinner as it is spread.

I perpetuate rumors that I've dated people that I've never actually dated.

Rumors spread faster than news and news spreads faster than the happenings

Despite rumor, Death isn't cruel--merely terribly, terribly good at his job.

Facts can be so misleading, where rumors, true or false, are often revealing.

I heard a bustling rumor like a fray, And the wind blows it from the Capitol.

Most women indulge in idle gossip, which is the henchman of rumor and scandal.

The ball of rumor and criticism, once it starts rolling, is difficult to stop.

We wake, if we ever wake at all, to mystery, rumors of death, beauty, violence.

I haven't read anything but regurgitated rumors. Nothing new, and nothing true.

Rumor is like bees; the more you fight them the more you don't get rid of them.

As for blondes having more fun, well, let me dispel that rumor forever. They do.

I don't mind being criticized. I enjoy being criticized personally, not by rumor.

Rumors that the sun is out at Santa Ynez are without foundation," the radio said.

I knew I finally made it as a performer when I began hearing rumors that I was gay.

Rumors of my wealth are greatly exaggerated. I have never been interested in money.

Despite rumors to the contrary, a mime is actually a very satisfying thing to waste.

Rumor is rarely more interesting than fact, but it is always more readily available.

And all who told it added something new, and all who heard it, made enlargements too.

I only hope those rumors I hear about what goes on in prison are greatly exaggerated.

Nobody knows anything about Shakespeare the person. It's all legend, it is all rumor.

I've heard the rumors but you won't come clean. I guess I'm hoping it's because of me.

Some people rely on rumors and gossip because they are devoid of any original thought.

My favorite lie was the online rumor that Bruce Willis was my uncle. That's hilarious.

[Rumors are a] vehicle for anxieties and aspirations that may not be openly expressed.

I monitor haters' comments. I am aware of vicious rumors, but I am not afraid anymore.

The single most effective way to get rid of rumor and speculation is to be transparent.

Gossip and rumor are evil; easy to lift up, heavy to carry, and hard to put down again.

Rumors about me? Calista Flockhart, Pam Anderson, and Matt Damon. That's who I'm dating.

Everyone's just telling me that there's this rumor going around that I'm dying of cancer

Washington is the place where nobody believes a rumor until it has been officially denied.

Rumor with her ten thousand tongues is diffusing her uncertain sounds in almost every ear.

All those rumors about her being underweight are trash. She's [Calista Flockhart] gorgeous.

Rumor, once started, rushes on like a river, until it mingles with, and is lost in the sea.

It is one of my sources of happiness never to desire a knowledge of other people's business.

The rumor that the state of my health will necessitate my resignation is entirely unfounded.

Gossip needn't be false to be evil - there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around.

There are rumors, rumors, rumors. I'm always the last one to know about these things, literally.

I heard this rumor that al Qaeda is merging with Hamas. Yeah, I got that tip from Martha Stewart.

I began hearing rumors of apossible recording session with Neil Young. I was a huge fan of Neil's.

If it were not for a goodly supply of rumors, half true and half false, what would the gossips do?

You know, I've never actually really believed that death is inevitable. I just think it's a rumor.

Never repeat a rumor before you have verified it. And if it is true, hold your tongue all the more.

I don't see why I can't have friends of both sexes without wild rumors being circulated. It's crazy.

You know what rumors are like-like a jar full of moths. Once they escape, they're all over the place.

I am aware of the haters and bad rumors. I'd be lying if I say I don't care, but I try my best not to.

Donald Trump really understood how to float a story, how to float a rumor, how to manipulate the truth.

Dear Internet: You are very good at spreading rumors. Truth is more valuable and much harder to come by.

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