I never try and sound like Sabbath.

The hushed winds their Sabbath keep.

I try to keep a Sabbath perspective.

E'en Sunday shines no Sabbath day to me.

I believe the Sabbath; I keep the Sabbath.

Day of the Lord, as all our days should be!

Who doesn't like to play Black Sabbath tunes!

Sabbath were a hippy band. We were into peace.

I never picked a bass up before Sabbath started

The Sabbath-day is the savings-bank of humanity.

I never picked a bass up before Sabbath started.

Black Sabbath invented heavy metal, in my opinion.

The savings bank of human existence is the weekly Sabbath.

Proper Sabbath is Sabbath with Bill Ward. I'm sorry, it just is.

I love Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath and Guns N' Roses and AC/DC.

More than Israel has kept the Sabbath, the Sabbath has kept Israel.

Sabbath is the celebration of life beyond and outside productivity.

I'm not telling you what to do on the Sabbath, and you won't tell me.

The Sabbath provides a wonderful opportunity to strengthen family ties.

I don't work on my Sabbath. I write five-and-a-half or six days a week.

We make the Sabbath a delight when we teach the gospel to our children.

I remind everybody that the Sabbath was the Jewish gift to civilization.

I'm Reconstructionist; I don't serve the Sabbath, but I go to synagogue.

God presents the Sabbath rest as a shelter we can enter. (Hebrews 4:1-11)

Sunday is the core of our civilization, dedicated to thought and reverence.

In observing the Sabbath, one is both giving a gift to God and imitating Him.

On the Sabbath- we are reminded that we are not human doings, but human beings.

We're never gonna see bands like Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath again. It's over.

Sabbath is not simply the pause that refreshes. It is the pause that transforms.

Silence is the Sabbath of the soul. Therein we rest, and therein we hear everything.

Anybody can observe the Sabbath, but making it holy surely takes the rest of the week.

There's only one Sabbath guitarist and he is the architect for everything, Tony Iommi.

I think people will always love a heavy Sabbath riff because it's fundamental to rock.

'Planet Caravan' by Black Sabbath is such a delicate song from such a surprising place.

The Sabbath is a weekly cathedral raised up in my dining room, in my family, in my heart.

You must not lean on a tree on Sabbath, if the tree might be dependent on you for support.

Most of the things we need to be most fully alive never come in busyness. They grow in rest.

Thou art my single day, God lends to leaven What were all earth else, with a feel of heaven.

I've always been very image prone, along the lines of bands like Black Sabbath and even Devo.

In the early days, you would get skinheads, the Eagles and Black Sabbath playing the same show.

If there was no Black Sabbath, I could still possibly be a morning newspaper delivery boy. No fun.

I got to see Black Sabbath, Pantera and Deftones together, I remember that blew my mind completely.

People that love this form of music have loved it from way back - Sabbath, Zeppelin, the early days.

Then as I got older, I always gravitated towards the hard stuff, Born To Be Wild, then Black Sabbath.

I think it would be fun to play a young Ozzy Osbourne in a movie about the formation of Black Sabbath.

Without a Sabbath, no worship; without worship, no religion; and without religion, no permanent freedom.

The streams of religion run deep or shallow, according as the banks of the Sabbath are kept up or neglected.

Keeping the Sabbath day holy is much more than just physical rest. It involves spiritual renewal and worship.

I don't work Sunday any more... The Sabbath is a very reasonable idea. Otherwise, you work yourself to death.

I am awaked almost every night by the panting of the locomotive. It interrupts my dreams. There is no sabbath.

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