But me writing sad songs doesn't mean I am a sad person.

I'm convinced I got signed because of who I am. And it makes me sad.

I'm convinced part of the reason I got signed is because of who I am, and it makes me sad.

People look at me and keep walking - but you can tell they know who I am. I want them to bug me. It's gonna be a sad day when they don't.

The sad truth is, there's more Walter White in me than I'd care to admit, because if I truly was as kind as people think I am, I wouldn't be able to write Walter White.

For creators, especially for me as a composer, I am sure for singers also, it is sad. It is not exciting that we have to create something that someone else has already done before.

I think people just think I am crazy because they see me doing stand-up, but I am generally not. I am very sad. I'm one of those guys that lights candles and listens to Rachmaninoff.

I'm always playing someone grumpy or sad or grieving or downtrodden or stoic. As people get to know me within the industry, they know it's completely the opposite of what I'm like because I am a hyperactive, energetic ball.

There are times I am happy. There are times I am sad. But I always try to separate emotion from the need to reach for something stronger, deeper. And then no matter the emotion, I can reach for a stability that helps me accomplish what is the goal.

I think my thing is that... I don't know. And that's why I don't wanna sing about 'This is me, this is who I am' because, like, even the question, 'Tell me about yourself' - what are you supposed to say? 'Ooh, I'm a happy girl, but I'm sad, too'? People are so complex.

People think, and by the way I think most people are right: 'The Tory party is run by people who basically don't care about people like me.' That is what most people in the country have thought about the Tory party for decades. I know a lot of Tory MPs and I am sad to say the public is basically correct.

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