I sail, scuba dive, play football, basketball.

My favourite thing to do on this planet is to scuba dive.

If you ever get a chance to learn how to scuba dive, go do it.

I ski, I surf, I scuba dive... any sport that starts with an 's.'

I learned how to scuba dive, which is something that I've always wanted to do.

I try to swim every damn day I can, and I've learned to scuba dive and snorkel.

I always wanted to scuba dive. I used to scuba dive undercover like black Aquaman.

I'm a person with a lot of affection for adventure - I scuba dive, skydive, fly helicopters.

I was training more learning how to scuba dive which I'd never done which was really, really, really cool.

I just learned how to scuba dive. I'd been scared to rely on one little air hose for oxygen, but swimming with all those fish is exhilarating.

If I have a Sunday free, I'll go up the coast and spend some time on the beach. I scuba dive and swim and sail. A lot of the things I like are around the water.

When I was younger I dreamt of intrepid travel and whenever I had some time off I wanted to scuba dive. Nowadays I'm a bit more relaxed but I'd still like to do an Amazonian trek.

You have to scuba dive in the Alexandrian harbor if you want to see what remains of the lighthouse of Cleopatra's day, and the water in the Alexandrian harbor is not really something you want to come into contact with.

I love to travel with my family or my two best friends because I completely trust them. I forced my two best friends into learning to scuba dive with me in Sri Lanka - it was amazing but also hideous because we were learning in very difficult seas.

There is a lot of stuff I like. I love backpacking. I love going to an island where I can just sit on the beach and read or scuba dive and sail. I do a lot of that. I still go backpacking around Europe in the summers and staying in hostels. I love that.

I seek out things that terrify me, like an improv class. I'm terrified of sharks, but I scuba dive. I'm not good at auditioning, but I force myself to do it all the time. I've never met anybody who is fearless, but the more you push against your own boundaries, the easier it becomes to push.

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