Sending our youth to war is wrong.

I love sending flowers! It's the best.

At fourteen, I started sending out demo tapes.

I kept sending out stories and getting rejected.

Rendition is just sending people abroad to be tortured.

Mothers are always sending me pictures of their daughters.

I hope no one will think of... sending me to Pearl Harbor.

I'm at the age most people are sending their kids off to college.

Luckily, I have great agents who are sending me out for great stuff.

Better to leave before someone else has the idea of sending you away.

I love sending stuff to Usher because it always sounds better than me.

Tweeting is like sending out cool telegrams to your friends once a week.

Everyone loves to get a letter. I love sending them. I love getting them.

A lot of people have been sending me beats, I've just been getting it in.

Sending $300 to your grandma in Cuba doesn't change the dynamic with Castro.

I'm just sending a message to women that you can be anything you want to be.

It wasn't until I was 26 or 25 when I started sending work out to magazines.

Thank you for sending me a copy of your book - I'll waste no time reading it.

I believe both parties are sending the wrong kind of people to Washington, D.C.

Sending your child off to school for the first time in their life is terrifying.

Everybody that played a part in sending me to death row, you will answer to God.

Be able to blow out a dinner candle without sending wax flying across the table.

You can't pay for healthcare if we're sending a trillion dollars a year to dictators.

I like the idea of sending my Aquazurra girls out with a lucky charm under their feet.

We are guilty for sending teams into foreign countries to advise them how to be like us.

The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that the first one was useless.

We keep spending money and sending it overseas when we should be developing American energy.

Ray Johnson was a great innovator of mail art and photocopying and sending people photocopies.

The high cost of housing is crushing poor families and sending them to a state of desperation.

In a digital age, I still love sending and receiving cards, hand-writing notes, and wrapping gifts.

I have long been fond of comparing Workday strategy to the process of sending a rocket to the moon.

We didn't want to waste time by sending our volunteers to Republicans; we sent them to the undecided.

I will continue sending migrants home until the last migrant reunites with his family and loved ones.

I don't go up to guys. I'm all about a guy sending me flowers, getting me chocolates and surprising me.

I found out that you could audition by sending a picture of yourself and some information to Newsround.

I hope I never have to face that feeling of missing and sending my country or team out of a competition.

Sending a couple of guys to the Moon and bringing them back safely? That's a stunt! That's not historic.

If you don't want the world to see something you're sending, stop and think before you put it out there.

Man has to awaken to wonder - and so perhaps do peoples. Science is a way of sending him to sleep again.

If it hadn't been for the Cold War, neither Russia nor America would have been sending people into space.

Compare sending someone a text message and getting a love letter delivered by carrier pigeon. No contest.

Stop exposing your children to danger by sending them to throw bombs and stones at soldiers and civilians.

Getting plenty of sleep is always great. It really is. I have a girlfriend who's sending me a slant board.

I do believe in sending positive messages. I am a Christian, so I do believe in a lot of positive messages.

I've been on social media for quite a long time, maybe because I've been sending out nutrition information.

In Japan, I focus mostly on sending messages through Twitter, trying to spread my minority way of thinking.

My wife and I look for ways to always support the troops, including sending care packages regularly to them.

I think it's always worth remembering that people sending off mean tweets are probably pretty lonely people.

There's this Afghani kid in Stockholm called Phat Deuce who's started sending us his music, and he's amazing.

There is no question at all that Manson was sending Tex, Sadie, Katie, and Linda out on his mission of murder.

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