Our ideas are transformed sensations.

The sensation of falling was the worst part.

Greatness is one of the sensations of littleness

Love begins with an image; lust with a sensation.

Sensations are nothing but confused modes of thinking.

For a sensation to be felt as pain is for it to be pain

It was an exceptional sensation, reading by spiderlight.

The sensation of energy expands with increasing relaxation.

Art distills sensations and embodies it with enhanced meaning.

It's a weird sensation to be mad and learning at the same time.

We are astonished at thought, but sensation is equally wonderful.

Someone was looking at me, a disturbing sensation if you're dead.

Every twinge of sensation, even of agony, was a negation of death.

I always say one of the best sensations is when we win at Anfield.

I have no use for knowledge that has not been preceded by a sensation

Ordinarily pleasure and pain are regarded as different from sensations.

Things they don't understand always cause a sensation among the English.

Reciprocity of sensation is not possible because to share is to be robbed.

I want to reach that condensation of sensations that constitutes a picture.

Time is measured by the quality and not the quanity of sensations it contains.

Life is a series of sensations connected to different states of consciousness.

Painting from nature is not copying the object; it is realizing one's sensations.

God is acting on your soul all the time, whether you have spiritual sensations or not.

To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.

I'm happiest when I feel that several almost opposing sensations are present at the same time.

I scavenged for sensation, sought myself in the rewards of being out there, across the Border.

I used to build up to sensation, accumulating tension until it released a perceptual experience

Carried by light, images remain while sensation is so evanescent as to be always beyond belief.

For an Impressionist to paint from nature is not to paint the subject, but to realize sensations.

She knew that when she played she was giving pleasure only to herself; but this was no new sensation

Bodies do not produce sensations, but complexes of elements (complexes of sensations) make up bodies.

I think a fragrance is all about sensations and imagery, and can evoke visions, feelings and thoughts.

Schalke, for me, is a great adventure, and I wanted to experience new sensations away from Real Madrid.

I have tried to present my sensations in what is the most congenial and impressive form possible to me.

I began to understand my sensations, to know what I wanted, at around the age of forty - but only vaguely.

The thirst for powerful sensations takes the upper hand both over fear and over compassion for the grief of others.

The life of sensation is the life of greed; it requires more and more. The life of the spirit requires less and less.

Feelings are at the basis of all ideas. First you have feelings, and then, through those sensations, it develops into ideas.

When we shift back to feeling the sensations in our body and connect to what's in front of us, the creative channel opens up.

The same sensations that you get in heavy metal are in horror movies. Heavy metal sounds evil and horror movies are evil, ha ha!

I think art teaches us how to feel, what our parameters can be, what sensations can be like; it makes you more engaged with life.

My childhood memories seem to be wreathed in the twin and far from harmonious olfactory sensations of patchouli oil and caustic soda.

The painter must give a completely free rein to any feeling or sensations he may have and reject nothing to which he is naturally drawn.

Companies like Pinterest and Twitter did not become sensations because of Google search but because of the many ways users find out about great sites.

I saw things before they happened, and that scared me very much. The premonitions would always be accompanied by harsh and painful physical sensations.

The attitude of physiological psychology to sensations and feelings, considered as psychical elements, is, naturally, the attitude of psychology at large.

Without words to objectify and categorize our sensations and place them in relation to one another, we cannot evolve a tradition of what is real in the world.

I've wanted somehow to convey to you the sensations - the atmospheric pressure, you might say - of what it is to be seriously a long-term prisoner in an American prison.

For purposes of marketing, writers are designated as poets, novelists, or something else. But writing is about matchmaking, an attempt to marry sensations with apt words.

Driving a race car isn't too far a cry from driving any other sports car, but driving one through Africa in the middle of the night offers a wide scree of new sensations.

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