I count only the hours that are serene.

A quiet conscience makes one so serene.

There is no just and serene criticism as yet.

A middling talent makes for a more serene life.

You cannot perceive beauty but with a serene mind.

Live in the serene peace of laboratories and libraries

Nature is never other than serene even in a thunderstorm.

No outward change need trouble him who is inwardly serene.

Some brides stress, some don't. I think I'm a serene bride.

The best jujitsu practitioners are really serene and grounded.

An all-white space has a purity that is refreshing and serene.

He who would be serene and pure needs but one thing, detachment.

Kerala is one of my favourite places. It's so beautiful, so serene!

Great music is in a sense serene; it is certain of the values it asserts.

Yoga helps me with a composed and serene state of mind, which is good for writing.

All noble enthusiasms pass through a feverish stage, and grow wiser and more serene.

But an old age serene and bright, and lovely as a Lapland night, shall lead thee to thy grave.

The more I expect, the more unhappy I am going to be. The more I accept, the more serene I am.

And my favourite new songwriter is Joe Banfi from Sheffield. He's dark, edgy, serene and beautiful.

Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.

Bhutan is a very serene country with an incredible history. It has an incredible group of great artisans.

Goodness is something that makes us serene and content; it is magnificent. Those who are not good are evil.

Take me and cast me where you will; I shall still be possessor of the divinity within me, serene and content.

I grew up in a place called Malahide, which is by the water and is beautifully quiet, leafy, and part serene.

Tea does our fancy aid, Repress those vapours which the head invade, And keeps that palace of the soul serene.

After my divorce, painting took me out of panic mode and into a serene, calm place. I could absolutely lose myself.

Joe Jackson was a tragic figure. He was a serene country boy who signed a confession he couldn't read. He was illiterate.

I grew up on a tiny island called Guernsey, very small population, very isolated culturally but very beautiful and serene.

I feel beautiful when I'm at peace with myself. When I'm serene, when I'm a good person, when I've been considerate of others.

There is a quiet about the life of a farmer, and the hope of a serene old age, that no other business or profession can promise.

Hold high the brow serene, O youth, where now you stand; Let the bright sheen Of your grace be seen, Fair hope of my fatherland!

I don't mind travelling to and fro from Navi Mumbai for work because the calm and serene atmosphere I enjoy here is unparalleled.

I tend to say faith is believing in life, and as I love life, I try to do the best with it, make it as serene and joyous as possible.

Everything in the country, animate and inanimate, seems to whisper, be serene, be kind, be happy. We grow tolerant there unconsciously.

Thine eyes are springs in whose serene And silent waters heaven is seen. Their lashes are the herbs that look On their young figures in the brook.

Thus heavenly hope is all serene,But earthly hope, how bright soe'er,Still fluctuates o'er this changing scene,As false and fleeting as 't is fair.

Before we can experience the pure & serene state of love, we must learn how to give forgiveness - to ourselves & to others. Have you forgiven yourself?

There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations.

Religion can emerge in all forms of feeling: here wild anger, there the sweetest pain; here consuming hatred, there the childlike smile of serene humility.

Age puzzles me. I thought it was a quiet time. My seventies were interesting and fairly serene, but my eighties are passionate. I grow more intense as I age.

That has always been my character - on the pitch I have a strong temperament, but off the pitch I'm more serene, reflective. I manage to separate out those two things.

The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them. They walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen.

The poet does not fear death, not because he believes in the fantasy of heroes, but because death constantly visits his thoughts and is thus an image of a serene dialogue.

For almost thirty years I repeatedly saw one and the same dream: I would arrive in Vienna at long last. I would feel really happy, for I was returning to my serene childhood.

In acting, you get to that place where it's serene, where you just feel it. I'm glad to be doing the drama because you can kind of take your time more and let a moment live more.

I'm not going to lie: I miss the grass and the trees... I miss home. On a Sunday morning, you could chill on the deck and listen to people mowing their lawns. It was very serene.

For the man sound of body and serene of mind there is no such thing as bad weather; every day has its beauty, and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously.

I could never ever say enough about Matt Amato. He has an indescribable presence; this warm, loving, serene calm with intense interest and excitement bubbling beneath his exterior.

Perhaps the tranquillity of 'Deracine' heightens the violence in 'Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice,' while the intensity of 'Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice' makes 'Deracine' all the more serene.

Very different from eros is philia, a serene love much more akin to friendship, with its reciprocal kindnesses. You love each other for the happy experiences and pleasures you share.

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