I was having serious issues with becoming a diabetic.

We are the greatest country in the world but we are facing serious issues.

I simply take serious issues seriously, but I do not take myself seriously.

The potential of fire on board an aircraft is among the most serious issues in aviation.

We're facing serious issues. We can either complain about it or try to step in and solve it.

I think there's always room for humor, especially when you're talking about really serious issues.

There are serious issues of inequality and injustice in this country... I stand with those opposing such bigotry.

I'm not involved in light, frivolous matters. I'm not involved in fringe or side issues. I'm involved in serious issues.

I had written a book that dealt with really serious issues. Was anybody going to want to read a Christmas love story from me?

I've done things that should be talked about, and covered serious issues that face our kids, but people aren't interested in that.

Governments can't escape from taking tough steps. One can't be populist about it. You can't flirt with such serious issues like security.

World Children's Day is meant to be a fun celebration but it's also a day to talk about serious issues that children have to face in school.

'Star Trek Into Darkness' isn't that 'Star Trek' is going to be no fun, and dark. It's that the fun's going to be challenged by some serious issues.

My pledge is to be part of the solution to focus on governing, to put my experience to work to help solve the very serious issues we're facing in this country.

But let me tell you, this gender thing is history. You're looking at a guy who sat down with Margaret Thatcher across the table and talked about serious issues.

One of the things you learn being in the public eye is that you have the ability to raise awareness about serious issues, and, in the process, really help people.

I didn't need to be speaker because I needed a fancy title or a big office. I wanted to be speaker so I could lead an effort to deal with the serious issues that are facing our country.

I've never done anything so political before. I've spent years shouting my mouth off about serious issues over dinner tables but never really had the confidence to express my views in a song.

I'm trying to write about serious issues, about Iceland's journey into modernity, about the soul of Iceland - on how people react when they get too much money too quickly and how it affects our culture.

We don't have a divine right to success. So I agree with a lot of politicians out there when they say, 'We've got serious issues.' We do: immigration, infrastructure. I think income inequality's one of them.

Unfortunately, I think there's not enough education about hydration. When I was young, we knew nothing about it. We all know that there's cases of athletes having serious issues because of dehydration and even dying.

I believe comedy is a really good lens to filter serious issues through. If people are laughing, they don't necessarily realize until they stop laughing that they just took something in that's going to start a conversation.

I just always wrote songs as a side hobby. So it was sort of a natural thing to write comedy songs. But when I started writing songs, I wrote very serious songs. Or things that a 13-14 year-old would think are very serious issues.

With so many serious issues and responsibilities before the United States Senate, I think New York needs an independent senator who thinks for herself, not someone who just rubberstamps the Obama agenda or checks with Chuck Schumer and says, 'Me too.'

I loved 'Cabaret.' I loved what it had to say and the whole style and brilliance of the book. It was my first time performing Fred Ebb and John Kander's work. They took risks. Even when their shows are fun and funny, they are about very serious issues.

We know what happens to little black boys that have no dads; we've heard that, we get it. But no one is really saying that young women who are born without fathers have real serious issues especially when their mother had no father and the mother has issues.

If I look at my family tree and follow every generation before us, going all the way back to the slaves, then Eddie Murphy is the highest achievement as far as my bloodline is concerned. How could you be jealous? You can only be proud, unless you got some serious issues.

I know that campaigns can seem small, and even silly. Trivial things become big distractions. Serious issues become sound bites. And the truth gets buried under an avalanche of money and advertising. If you're sick of hearing me approve this message, believe me - so am I.

And I think people who sort of glibly say, 'Well, you know, they're not going to handle security, UAE is a great ally,' four and a half years ago, they were not an ally, they were working with the enemy, and if those same people are still there today that were there then, these are real serious issues.

Looking back, I do think one of the reasons 'Thirteen Reasons Why' has been so successful is not because it deals with serious issues but because I had a unique and interesting way to tell that story. I knew the issues were going to be dealt with in the book, but I felt my job was to write the story as entertainingly as possible.

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