Seriousness is a disease.

Every man is grave alone.

Seriousness is a disease of the ego

Sin is a disproportionate seriousness.

Oh, that ludicrous virile earnestness!

Seriousness is stupidity sent to college.

Seriousness is the deepest pleasure we have.

I understand the seriousness of concussions.

If you are not serious, people will sense it.

Dullness is the coming of age of seriousness.

Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow.

Now I find seriousness to be rather ridiculous.

Go on, then, and let your intent be seriousness.

Beware of seriousness: it is a form of stupidity

There's more than enough seriousness in the world.

In all seriousness, I just think, 'Keep God first.'

Ultimate seriousness in not without a dose of humor.

Do the best you can, and don't take life too serious.

Absolute seriousness is never without a dash of humor.

We value seriousness and willingness to solve problems.

Strict seriousness was far more dangerous than any joke.

I approach every game with the same level of seriousness.

Humor and seriousness are not in opposition to each other.

Seriousness is a sickness... Existense is pure playfulness

Sheer Playfulness and Deadly Seriousness are my closest friends.

Unmitigated seriousness is always out of place in human affairs.

Rafael Carvalho deserves a lot of respect and seriousness in my camp.

I have played with seriousness and in a professional way for my country.

There is an overall seriousness in tone that pervades 'To The 5 Boroughs.'

Humor is not the opposite of seriousness. Humor is the opposite of despair.

Even though I'm known as a pop musician, I have a seriousness about what I do.

Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.

I feel there's enough seriousness in the world without seeing it in the theatre.

From Toscanini I learnt the essential and desperate seriousness of making music.

You are nearing the land that is life; you will recognize it by its seriousness.

humor can get in under the door while seriousness is still fumbling at the handle

Run a home like you would a small business and treat it with the same seriousness.

Seriousness is not Calvinistic, it's not a renunciation, it's the very opposite of that.

Advertising treats all products with the reverence and the seriousness due to sacraments.

First, Resolve upon, and daily endeavour to practise, a life of seriousness and strict sobriety.

There are very few movies in English about romantic obsession told with a seriousness of purpose.

I wanted to take the seriousness out of everything a little bit, because it kind of fits my style.

I think that I have a seriousness of purpose, a lot of support, and a healthy amount of good fortune.

If you will learn the seriousness of life, and its beauty also, live for your husband; make him happy.

'South Pacific' has a definite heaviness that people don't realize. It's got a seriousness and a message.

I think that coming to work every day and what we try and do and accomplish, there's a seriousness to it.

In all seriousness, I don't get people who need to make a proposal a bigger deal than marriage already is.

I say funny stuff in my songs sometimes, but it's still all in the seriousness of the music and the craft.

Men are convinced of your arguments, your sincerity, and the seriousness of your efforts only by your death.

If someone had told me at fourteen that I'd be six-ten, I might have stuck with basketball, in all seriousness.

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