I've served my country.

I served the Poland that existed.

Who has not served cannot command.

My mother served in the Armed Forces.

That hater-juice is best served cold.

A servant sometimes need to be served.

Competition is good and has served us well.

I served my country in uniform for 26 years.

I also served on many government committees.

Father served in the Air Force for 22 years.

Three of my uncles served in the Armed Forces.

I served two tours in Iraq, in the Marine Corps.

My own father and grandfather served in the Army.

I'm really nearsighted, which has served me well.

Man is a mind betrayed, not served, by his organs.

I've served on the International Relations Committee.

I served, she came to the net, it was a passing shot.

The set of 'You Got Served' was like a dancer's dream.

Human dignity is better served by embracing knowledge.

I served in World War II in our fight to defeat fascism.

We want to serve the customer as they want to be served.

I served in the Israeli Navy, and it's not an easy thing.

My dad served in the Australian Navy until I was a toddler.

I got a top-secret security clearance and served in the CIA.

Freedom, respect and prosperity are never served on a plate.

Truth is always served by great minds, even if they fight it.

In motion pictures, the actor rules. The camera served the actor.

The criticism I received only served to make me a stronger person.

All imperfection is easier to tolerate if served up in small doses.

My mother served me wine and water from the time I was 3 years old.

I went to war for this country. I served overseas for this country.

No one is served or benefitted by believing in false or faulty ideas.

I think audiences can feel when they're being served a filler episode.

Lust's passion will be served; it demands, it militates, it tyrannizes.

The country I most admire is Canada, the one I've served my whole life.

Poetry itself hasn't been well served by poets who fled to the margins.

I served in two administrations very high up in the Justice Department.

Buy foods from nearby farms and have that food served in the cafeteria.

As long as I loved and served Christ I could be anything I wanted to be.

Celebrity never really served me that well; it serves other people well.

The presidents I served under don't have anything to do with my politics.

Prior to my call to the Twelve, I served as a medical doctor and surgeon.

For the record, I'm a Second World War veteran and served in the Pacific.

I learned to tune a guitar by ear. That method has served me pretty well.

The men and women who served during the Vietnam War are often overlooked.

My father served in Vietnam - the respect I have for the Navy is profound.

Youth will be served, every dog has his day, and mine has been a fine one.

It's my luck that I was born a bit of an old soul, and it's served me well.

I have family that are vets of the military. My grandfather served as well.

Having a parent who served in the military has made me a better journalist.

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