Shane? Thank God, somebody sane. Well, sane-ish.

I would love to work with Shane Meadows - great director.

So, Shane & Shane are my favorite Christian artists out there.

I'll never forget fighting on top of a cell with Shane McMahon.

shane:you only love me for my abs clair:shut up loser shift off

Turn down the porn soundtrack! Trying to concentrate here!-Shane

Eeek,” Shane said. Nothing. Right, Amazon princess, I got the point.

I grew up on Shane Black movies, and I grew up on Joel Silver movies.

I wanted to fight guys like Shane Moseley, Miguel Cotto, and Alvarez.

Nicky Shorey is the provider but Shane Long has made this all on his own

Shane looked…pale. Pale and shaken and—how predictable was this?—pissed.

Shane Watson seems to have recovered very well from his hamstring injury.

Wrist spinners have been successful in world cricket. Look at Shane Warne.

It's far more daunting than bowling to Ricky Ponting or facing Shane Warne

Shane was a classic, and you can't find a better bad guy than Jack Palance.

It's Shane Black. He's a world unto himself. His world is so fun and crazy.

When Shane McMahon competes, you know he's going to jump off something high!

Shane, honey, in Morganville, friends are the only things that keep you alive.

EVE:so thats the bathroom where shane spends houres doing his hair shane:bite me

I was a huge fan of Shane Douglas and how he used the microphone during a match.

My first experience on a feature film was with Shane Meadows on 'This Is England.'

I grew up on Shane movie and my mother loves it and I've watched it hundreds of times.

Shane McMahon had that tremendous match at WrestleMania with the Undertaker. He's fearless.

Without being disrespectful to Jimmy Kelly, I'd rather fight Shane Mosley than Jimmy Kelly.

Who would have thought that Shane McMahon would have any kind of a chance versus Undertaker?

One of the great reasons to be in Nashville is, you get guys like Shane McAnally to write songs with.

That's right, you and God versus me, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, and the product of my semen, my son Shane!

I know, he said. We are into the Bad Idea neighborhood and heading down I Have a Bad Feeling Street. (Shane)

Even on one leg, I thought I could knock Tony Bellew out. I was gutted when Shane McGuigan threw the towel in.

There is no doubt that Nathan Lyon is a great spinner but so were Shane Warne, Muttiah Muralitharan and Graeme Swann.

I don't know what my ambitions are until they turn up really but I'd love to work with Shane Meadows, I know that much!

As awkward as it sounds. I'm not Shane Larkin, Barry Larkin's son, anymore. It's Barry Larkin, the father of Shane Larkin.

I like Shane and Falguni Peacock. I keep telling girls that if I marry them, I'll buy them wedding trousseau from Peacock.

Shane McAnally is a really good friend of mine. He's one of the first guys that really embraced what I was doing with an open mind.

My brother Shane and I used to spar with each other in the kitchen. We didn't have gloves, so we wrapped tea towels around our hands.

If I went out and tried to be 'Shane Douglas the Superstar' when it wasn't my time, one of the veterans would have put me back in line.

Shane Douglas accomplished quite a bit in and for ECW, but his career will forever be defined by the moment he threw down the NWA Title.

Nice " Shane said. "I'm warming up to this bloodsucking thing Mikey." "No you're not." "Okay no I'm not but right now let's pretend I am.

At first sight, Shane Long is just a short striker, but he's good in the air; he's quick, very dangerous, has good feet, and scores goals.

See?" she heard Shane yell at the kitchen. "She doesn't stomp around like a cattle stampede!" "Bite me, Collins! No bacon for you, either!

When you think of the great eight-wicket bowling figures in Test history, the names of Michael Holding, Shane Warne and Stuart Broad spring to mind.

I think my comparison with Shane would be a loner. I always got the impression that she wasn't scared to be alone. She enjoys it. I can relate to that.

It was a good experience for me to be in the same camp as Minto when he was preparing for Shane Cameron, to see the weaknesses and strengths he brings.

I'm getting criticism on social media, saying, 'Ah, you ducked Shane Mosley.' I've never ducked anyone in my life. They need to look into it a bit more.

I've had boyfriends I've dated whom I met as Courtney, but then dated as Shane. Courtney can certainly act as a glamorous stepping stone across the pond.

Shane McMahon did his own mo-cap. Did you guys know that? He went and did his own mo-cap. He didn't want somebody doing his moves. Shane did his own mo-cap.

'A Walk to Remember' was a huge movie for me. I thought Mandy Moore was the coolest thing that ever happened. And Shane West - man, did I have a crush on him.

Shane settled his flamethrower more comfortably on his shoulders. “Ladies? After you.” “Rude,” Claire said. “I was being polite!” “Not when you have a flamethrower.

Shane Smith has led Vice from a fledgling magazine into a global media brand, and all of us at A+E are excited to work with him and his passionate and innovative team.

The first wrestling event I ever went to was PCW Ultra in L.A., and it was insane. They had RVD wrestling, Shane Strickland, Penta, and all these incredible indie wrestlers.

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