A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a ...

A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.

I love giving. I love sharing.

I've always been a sharing person.

I love sharing my life with people.

The lifeblood of YouTube is sharing.

Sharing cabs with strangers is weird.

Sharing presumes and creates equality.

Sharing is the essence of social media.

Sharing the same meal reaffirms kinship.

I like poems and keep sharing them online.

We have lost the art of sharing and caring.

I don't think I like sharing the limelight.

I think music sharing of any kind is great.

What I do is doing movies and sharing movies.

Public sharing is an important part of science.

Even with my wife, I find sharing soup is hard.

There is something magical about sharing meals.

Sharing is sometimes more demanding than giving.

The sharing of food is the basis of social life.

When love happens I won't shy away from sharing.

I love sharing my story. It's endlessly healing.

As long as I get a medal, I'm okay with sharing it.

Opportunities for sharing the gospel are everywhere.

Everyone I know has a predilection for sharing words.

Poetry is really a way of sharing feelings and ideas.

A large family makes you accept sharing your parents.

Just sharing who you are - there's so much value in that.

I've always been a leader in the push for revenue sharing.

I like coming home and sharing things I've tasted or seen.

I have an idea of marriage as being a sharing type of deal.

If you do like what you do, you're cooperating and sharing.

Intimacy, as I am using it, is sharing my reality with you.

Sharing information with employees makes them feel invested.

What does sharing music mean? It means playing it for people.

Was I a fan of P!nk before 'Thanks for Sharing?' Yeah, I was.

Sharing screen space with Mr. Bachchan was a dream come true.

Working with other artists and sharing your passions is great.

Data is valuable, so let's be mindful of how we're sharing it.

Sharing a triumph with someone you love is an incredible high.

Sharing is good, and with digital technology, sharing is easy.

I regularly go to concerts with my children sharing the music.

There is real value in sharing moments that don't live forever.

'Napoleon' is pure cinema, and cinema was designed for sharing.

I love connecting with the fan base and sharing my experiences.

Sharing bad news with strangers is most certainly a selfish act.

I'm not going to ever feel bad about sharing what my dreams are.

File sharing is our radio; that's the way people hear our stuff.

I'm pretty transparent and have no problem sharing my weaknesses.

For me, playwriting is sharing my experiences, telling my stories.

Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.

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