I've got a short memory span.

White Americans have a short memory.

Happiness is health and a short memory!

You have to have a short memory as a closer.

Nothing is so admirable in politics as a short memory.

It's good to have a short memory because it keeps life fresh.

A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.

Every good tennis player has to have a short memory. Good or bad.

I always preach you have to have a short memory, whether it is good or bad.

History repeats itself over and over again, but most of us have short memories.

The industry has a very short memory of what's possible, and they like to typecast you.

The most identifiable trait of Anglo-Saxons is that we always mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.

I feel like I'm the most forgiven actress I can think of, probably because of this short memory people have!

I heard a definition once: Happiness is health and a short memory! I wish I'd invented it, because it is very true.

As a quarterback, you have to have a short memory. Don't lose your confidence, and stay within yourself. Don't try to do too much.

I do think a key to success in any walk of life is having a short memory and a thick skin - I know it has served me well over the years.

I feel like, with ski racing, you need to have a short memory. You crash all the time, and sometimes it's a really bad one, but sometimes it's not so bad.

This sport is crazy, it moves along and we all have a short memory. No one realizes when fighters are out. They just remember their last fight and how they look now.

We humans are still a very primitive culture, and it's one of the traps we've fallen into over the course of our lives - to forget our history. That's why George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' is so profound. It chronicles our short memory.

If you think Wall Street has a short memory, you're dead wrong. No, the folks who work on Wall Street, regulate Wall Street - and, above all, invest in its wares, notably its hedge funds - don't have a bad memory. They don't have any memory at all.

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