Ask yourself to slow down.

You get old, you slow down.

I have no plans to slow down.

To go faster you must slow down.

I'd like to make time slow down.

Slow down, simplify and be kind.

Slow down, sugar, because im a diabetic.

Sometimes you need to slow down to go fast.

Slow down, everyone. You're moving too fast.

Never stop! Slow down sometimes, but never stop!

Age is a slowing down of everything except fear.

The cure for moving too fast is just to slow down.

When someone screams at me to hurry up, I slow down.

Even if I don't want to slow down, I'm slowing down.

To slow down is to be taken into the soul of things.

As you get older, time speeds up but life slows down.

Death is just nature's way of telling you to slow down.

I promised a lot of people I'd slow down when I turned 80.

It's an hour during the week where you can just slow down.

If we would just slow down, happiness would catch up to us.

Strange, what being forced to slow down could do to a person.

Time will not slow down when something unpleasant lies ahead.

Slowing down reminds you that the journey is supposed to be fun.

If you'd see my schedule, you'd know I have no time to slow down.

I realized that I have to slow down. I work so hard, I'm so busy.

Slow down. Calm down. Don't worry. Don't hurry. Trust the process.

As you get older, don't slow down. Speed up. There's less time left!

I want to be happy and stable. My life is clearly going to slow down.

It's all perfect, this Universe we are in. Slow down and enjoy it all.

If there is time to reflect, slowing down is likely to be a good idea.

If you don't want to grow old, then slow down the slowing down process.

Never give up, never slow down, never grow old and never ever die young.

You can't slow down intense people. They have to burn at their own rate.

I'm going to slow down a little bit, but I won't stop creating. I can't!

I would never accuse Willie Brown of slowing down, because he never does.

We must slow down to a human tempo and we’ll begin to have time to listen.

... the current of time slowing down in the gravitational field of oblivion.

You just keep going. Nothing that isn't beautiful is worth slowing down for.

A bad sermon is like a car wreck - everyone slows down to see what happened.

Slow down in your pursuit of happiness and it's more likely to catch up with you.

I don't feel like I've nearly got to the place where I'm ready to even slow down.

When you're hungry for success, don't let anyone feed you crap about slowing down.

There’s no slowing down as the globe spins ‘round and ‘round. You gotta keep going.

Slow down you're doing fine You can't be everything you want to be before your time.

I learned that the moment you want to slow down is the moment you should accelerate.

I really like the concept of, like, slowing down and savoring your food, enjoying it.

It is important from time to time to slow down, to go away by yourself, and simply be.

Do not push so fast ahead, do slow down a bit! Otherwise you won't catch up with yourselves.

Pain is nature's way of telling you to slow down. Death is nature's way of telling you to stop.

Once I slow down because I think I have reached my peak, then my skills will go nowhere but down

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