I come from a small country, and I always dreamt big.

New Zealand is not a small country but a large village.

Britain is a very small country with a very large press.

Cross country skiing is great if you live in a small country.

It's never easy to be a small country next to a big neighbor.

Poland is not a very large country, but it's also not a small country.

We are a small country and we have limited influence so we are neutral.

Lebanon is a small country, weak, an army with very humble capabilities.

The amount of culture going on in a small country like Israel is amazing.

Ajax has always been about homegrown players developed in a small country.

Coming from a very small country, it's always nice to see our own doing well.

Kosovo is a small country but it also has a lot of riches that were granted to us by God.

Israel's a small country but both the audience and programme-makers are very sophisticated.

There is nothing wrong with centralizing the budget in Manila. We are such a small country.

When you live in a small country such as Israel, the dream of any musician is to go abroad.

Russia's a small country. It's really poor. It has nothing other than oil and weapons sales.

I love working back home, but it is a small country, and we do get tired of watching each other.

As a small country, both in size and population, our future hinges on the quality of our people.

Even if you are a small country, as we are, that doesn't prevent you from having big aspirations.

Because we are a small country, unlike England, Italy, or Brazil, we don't have as many good players.

I would have never thought that somebody like me from the small country of Bulgaria could make it in WWE.

Like Nemanja Vidic, I came from a small town in a small country in Eastern Europe, but we had reached the top.

Few things are more painful than being a successful writer born in a small country with an impenetrable language.

Luxembourg is such a small country that we always have to reinvent ourselves and take on a certain risk to succeed.

No doubt that the U.S. is a super-power capable of conquering a relatively small country, but is it able to control it?

I'm from a small country town and to now be moving around with some of the largest names in Hollywood is a dream come true.

Lebanon is a small country, and we have a saying: as long as you know your size, you know, just try to protect what you have.

Living in a small country town, there wasn't a whole lot to do so you find your own fun. I was always getting myself in trouble.

Qaddafi is hated because he is the leader of a small country that is rich, but he uses his money to finance liberation struggles.

Film-makers in Belgium are seen as arts and crafts makers. It is a small country. There is not really a film industry there at all.

If one looks at the map of the world, it's difficult to find Iraq, and one would think it rather easy to subdue such a small country.

A small film from a small country, in Arabic with nonprofessionals: It was practically impossible. Just to make it was like a dream to me.

Expectations run immensely high in Croatia. We may only be a small country, but people expect us to be our best at every major tournament.

I think Canadians are more interested in international events than Americans because it is such a small country, so politics affect it more.

Of course as a small country you're not necessarily in the strongest negotiating position unless you're negotiating with other small countries.

Uruguay is a small country but with a lot of football history. We've won so many things, and so the people are always expecting us to do good things.

For such a small country, Britain packs in an amazing diversity of landscapes: coastline, lakes, mountains, rolling countryside, villages and great cities.

I've known since I was about six that I wanted to be an actor, but I grew up in a very small country town, and it was just not something that was possible.

I grew up in a very small country town, so I was exposed to horses at quite a young age, but I used to cry and run; they seemed so powerful and so unpredictable.

I think if I would have started BIG in America, I would probably never have called it BIG. There was nothing but a little bit of local small country humor in the idea.

Sweden is a small country and, well, our family's pretty prominent in that world, I guess. And I really didn't like the sound of just being 'the fourth acting Skarsgard.'

Jewish people are tough people. They believe in something and believe it really strong, and I find it fascinating that a small country like Israel is as powerful as it is.

I was born in Switzerland. Everyone thinks I'm Swiss, but I'm actually German. I'm from Germany. It's a small country. You don't have as many great actors there, of course.

It's one thing if a politician in a small country says a little bit of torturing is good to do. There is a qualitative difference... when it's a candidate to run a superpower.

For a small country like Norway, it's important for our ability to trade and to invest across borders that we have fair trade and that we have multilateral trade systems, also.

It's pretty challenging in a small country to develop a business school with a world-class reputation because of the problem of attracting a critical mass of top-class researchers.

The working environment in L.A. is really refreshing, really good. Because in Malaysia, it's a small country - you end up working with the same people that you like and that you know.

We're a small country, and if you look at it that way, then we're at a disadvantage, though I know that most of the players who know or have come up against Uruguayans prefer to avoid us.

It's not easy to be an All-Star, but it's even more difficult to be loved by so many people and have so many people have your back, especially a guy coming from a small country like Georgia.

Sweden is a small country, and a Swedish writer can barely make a living as an author. We were able to quit our jobs as journalists only after we had been translated into, among others, German.

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