My dad is one of the smartest guys I know.

The smartest guys are the best broadcasters.

Some of the smartest people I know are metal fans.

I think Jews are the smartest people in the world.

Putin is very - not the smartest guy in the world.

Tom Daschle is one of the smartest guys in Washington.

Today's smartest advertising style is tomorrow's corn.

I'm rarely asked to play the smartest man in the room.

I am the smartest comedian in the history of the world.

If I'm the smartest guy in the room, I'm in the wrong room.

I said I was 'The Greatest,' I never said I was the smartest!

Ed Norton is probably one of the smartest people I've ever met.

The smartest thing a filmmaker can do is to become a good editor.

Knowing when to leave may be the smartest thing anyone can learn.

Being the smartest person in the room I think can be very lonely.

For me, I think Bob Iger is one of the smartest men in the country.

Keeping your private life as private as possible is the smartest thing.

If you're the smartest person you know, it's time to know some new people.

I get to share ideas with some of the smartest people in conservative politics.

We have some of the smartest businessmen in India, who have created huge wealth.

The smartest thing a director can do is surround himself with really good people.

I always told people Alabama was the smartest state because it has four As and a B.

The America that we knew as the smartest place on the planet is gone with the wind.

I don't take myself too seriously. I never think I'm the smartest person in the room.

One of the smartest investments we can make in Connecticut is in job training programs.

At the Facebook engineering level are some of the smartest people I've ever worked with.

'Batman' readers are the smartest readers in the world. I don't have to hold their hands.

Honestly, my smartest business decision was to never do anything that I didn't love doing.

I think NBA fans are some of the smartest you'll ever come around. They are very invested.

I get to play a lot of powerful, smartest women in the room. And that's deeply satisfying.

Silicon Valley has some of the smartest engineers and technology business people in the world.

I have interacted with several top leaders. Modi is among the three smartest leaders I have met.

Knicks fans are the smartest in the world and they know you can't just play one end of the court.

Children never say that their father is the smartest; instead they boast that he's the strongest.

Science fiction is one of the smartest genres around because you have to have so much forethought.

My mom is a very independent person, and she's the funniest, smartest person in the room, all the time.

Once the Internet removes geography as a constraint, the smartest people go to the most beautiful places.

I had been an academic all my life. As academics, you tend to believe the smartest people are in academia.

Kevin Gates is probably the smartest person I've ever worked with. He's cool, he's crazy, but he's genius.

When Gates was active in business, he was the smartest - so focused that no company could surpass Microsoft.

They're the smartest, most cunning, slick, coolest group of people on the planet. Generation Z, I love y'all.

I never go a day without talking to either my mom or dad, and my sister is one of the smartest people I know.

The smartest thing we can do to create high-wage jobs and grow our economy is to keep our focus on education.

I like George Will, I don't agree with him particularly, but he's probably the smartest conservative out there.

At a certain career level, it's no longer about whether you are the smartest subject-matter expert in the room.

Jonah Peretti is one of the smartest web publishers out there. And Buzzfeed is an aggressive and dynamic company.

Coming out of college, I wasn't considered the fastest, the biggest or the smartest. There was no way around that.

I've always loved science fiction. I think the smartest writers are science fiction writers dealing with major things.

I love to walk into places and have what I think is, like, the prettiest, smartest wife in town. I kind of enjoy that.

I'm never the smartest guy in the room. I'm willing to work harder than most people around me, come earlier, stay later.

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