Honestly, I'm a snobby person.

I was a sort of serious little dude - snobby.

I'm not snobby about my movies; I just love all films.

I can't stand folk who are all snobby about reality TV.

Some British actors are snobby about telly, and I don't understand that.

Maybe it's a bit snobby, but it's as if you're a proper actor if you do stage.

I've done TV and I've done film, and I'm not snobby about it. It's about the project.

I was not trying to be snarky or snobby by saying that West Palm Beach is no Palm Beach.

A lot of people are kind of snobby about garlic powder and onion powder. I happen to love them.

I dislike snobby people, routine housework and getting up early in the morning, and central heating.

There's always been a snobby dismissal of football and the emotions it elicits in millions of people.

Forest Hills was a middle-class neighborhood filled with snobby rich people and their screaming brats.

I love all reality TV - Strictly, 'The X Factor.' I really don't see why people are so snobby about it.

It's sort of what jazz would be if it stopped being snobby and what rock would be if it stopped being stupid.

There are people who are just very, very sniffy and snobby and have always sort of looked down their noses at me.

Argentina is a bit tough to people. You don't embrace genre film in general. They are more like, in the film community, a bit snobby.

I know what it's like to feel snobby; I know what it's like to feel anxiety; I know what it's like to feel like busted because you're crazy.

Even if they're not Asian or super rich... everyone has a nagging mother. Everyone has that obnoxious uncle, or that cousin who's a bit too snobby.

Draco's not really a bully. He's not exactly the biggest, strongest guy in the world. He's more a rich, snobby person. He thinks of himself as really cool.

Here in Britain, we can get a little bit snobby about American history. Yes, their history is not quite as long as ours. But it isn't all that short, either.

I know I need to watch myself because I don't want anyone to think I'm snobby or stuck up. I have to be real careful. I don't want to hurt my Christian witness.

I love American ski resorts because they're open to everyone, are not incredibly expensive. They're not snobby and you can have fun all day long on the most excellent mountains.

I think being snobby about the kind of storytelling people do, it just irks me. It irks me. And in fact, it's one of the things that drives me to make as many horror movies as I do.

My goal is: I'm not trying to be snobby, but my clothes are not for everyone, not for every Hollywood celebrity. There is a designer for everyone, and a celebrity for every designer.

I'm an information junkie, and I don't mean that in snobby way. I'm not talking about world information. I just like to know what's going on, especially pop-culturally. It interests me.

I'm not at all snobby about book prizes and how they pollute the world of literature. Just like with the Olympics, a little bit of competition gets people truly engrossed in the business of literature.

Italian girls are famous for being snobby and expecting men to make the first move. In America, if I don't make eye contact, the guys won't come over and talk. American girls just go for it. You men are spoiled.

When I was a young filmmaker starting out, I was really snobby about all the affirmative action for women filmmakers because I felt it should be about your talent, and I made a film that won awards, and people wanted me.

In the end, all new schools, public or private, snobby or not, add value to the education market, making it bigger and more efficient, in the same way that Zuckerberg added wealth to the economy even for non-Facebook fans.

I grew up in Manhattan. For Manhattanites, Brooklyn was the sticks, a second-rate civilization. My friends and I, we were so snobby. Living in the Bronx or Brooklyn was incredible... for me, that was like a foreign country.

We're a phenomenally snobby society, and it's such a rich seam. The middle class is so funny: it's the class I know best, and it's the class where you find the most pretension, so that's what makes the middle classes so funny.

I'm snobby about books that aren't crime fiction: if I start reading a literary novel and there's no mystery emerging in the first few pages, I'm like, 'Gah, this obviously isn't a proper book. Why would I want to carry on reading it?'

When I was a child, my parents took my brothers and me to Port-au-Prince during the summer so we could get to know the country of our ancestors. Because Haiti is an island, the beach is everywhere. Haitians are particular, even snobby, about beaches.

To be honest, I didn't love the high-fashion world because models aren't always treated that well. I was a scrappy kid from a farm, and that world felt a little snobby. But I was grateful for it, and my photo shoots now are really fast because I know my poses.

I do not mourn the death of the printed letter in a snobby, East Coast, patrician way - 'Where have our manners gone?' - but because I love objects, I love paper, and I love something that I can hold to my chest for a moment. Still, I bear no grudge against the e-mail form itself.

I think something about high school students being snobby about how much they have or don't have is particularly absurd because it's not theirs. It's their parents'. So to feel quite good about yourself because you've got the fancy house and car doesn't make any sense - you didn't earn any of that.

I was always snobby about soap operas, and commercials, too, but one does have to eat. I remember auditioning for a commercial for a mouthwash or chewing gum or something, and I had to pretend to be the back end of somebody in a horse costume. After that, I said, 'That's it. That's it. You've sunk too far!'

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