Governments, of course, can - and do - soak the rich.

I have to go someplace where I can soak myself in a creative atmosphere.

I act as a sponge. I soak it up and squeeze it out in ink every two weeks.

I never met a poor person who wanted to soak the rich; they want to get rich.

When you're around somebody like E-40, all you can do is watch and learn, and soak up game.

I am very open to learning. I am like a sponge: I'd like to soak up in new things, new skills.

I think every day you try to soak up as much as you can to learn and understand things better.

Forget mung beans' reputation as healthy yet bland - used right, they soak up loads of flavour.

You expect to have to soak up some pressure when you are playing Manchester City away from home.

I think most actors are very impressionable, and that's part of what we do is soak up other's behavior.

Being an artist, you soak up imagery, and you put it back out in whatever form you do your own imagery.

When I get home at night, I always have a soak in the tub before changing into my dressing gown and slippers.

I always soak in a bath with Epsom salts for a minimum of 20 minutes to absorb the magnesium once I get home.

I need to go play the right way, listen to LeBron and be a sponge and try to soak up what he's going to tell me.

Wherever I've been, I've tried to soak up the essence of the club, the town, and to transmit that to the players.

For me, the best burger buns are made from an enriched dough, soft and absorbent enough to soak up all the juices.

I sleep in coconut oil. I just soak in it... in my hair, on my face, on my skin, all over - it's kind of my thing.

Big moments, you've got to let it soak in. It actually adds to the drama so you don't throw away the move and the moment.

When you're reading the Word of God, you need to let it soak in and let God speak to your heart and let the Holy Spirit work.

My brain never turns off of songwriting. Every conversation, everything I see, I'm just kind of like a sponge and I soak it up.

Life would be pretty boring if I didn't explore. It's about letting my ears take me on an adventure to soak in everything I can.

Don't pretend to know everything. I've been blessed to work with a lot of veteran actors, and I soak up lessons from them like a sponge.

Natural beauty products are a must! I use coconut oil-based RMS makeup, and I slather almond oil on my hands to soak while I watch a movie.

With time, I am getting to work with actors who are known for their work. I am liking that, enjoying every bit, and I want to soak it all in.

I'll paddle board, swim in the ocean, roll in the sand, soak up the sun, eat good food, be with friends and family and go fishing with my dad.

To recover from workouts I typically drink a 20-gram protein shake, float in the pool for 15 minutes, then do a hot-and-cold tub contrast soak.

Salad bars are like a restaurant's lungs. They soak up the impurities and bacteria in the environment, leaving you with much cleaner air to enjoy.

The Rock taught me you don't always have to talk or move all the time. You can just stand there and soak it in. Let the crowd just do what they do.

To live without killing is a thought which could electrify the world, if men were only capable of staying awake long enough to let the idea soak in.

If you want to be a writer, don't worry so much about writing. Read as much as you can. Read as many different writers as you can. Soak up the styles.

I take 12-bean soup mixes, soak the beans overnight, boil them up, add tomatoes and flavoring, and freeze it. I'll have a cup a day. It's very nutritious.

I'm very conscious of my body, and how I take care of it. I like clean foods, drink a lot of water, and soak up much sunlight and positive energy as I can.

I always felt that acting was an escape, like having the secret key to every door and permission to go into any realm and soak it up. I enjoy that free pass.

In Edinburgh, there was a lovely little Episcopalian Church of Scotland church on my way to the theater, so I used to pop in there and soak up the atmosphere.

You really have to soak up the culture of the people to get it right. If you're making a fiction film, it's entertainment, but you want it to be as real as possible.

Surround yourself with a bunch of like-minded people, and you'll soak up their habits like a starved sponge. Fat people with fat friends care less about their weight.

To unwind after training, I love to have a long hot soak in the bath, then veg out on the sofa with a box set. I'm a box-set junkie! I absolutely love 'Grey's Anatomy.'

Everyone says I should really savour the last year, play as much as possible, really soak everything in. I'd most like to sit on the bench, or, even better, in the stands.

But these guys learn so fast now, they sort of soak up the information, they're fearless. Those are the guys who learn from their mistakes and come back strong the next time.

A million words were going through my head and honestly I didn't say one of them. I wanted to let it sit, simmer, you know I wanted to soak it all in - the moment was amazing.

Pot barley takes longer to cook than pearl, but an overnight soak in water will speed things along. It's a robust grain that, if overcooked, won't collapse but will become more tender.

There's a kind of despair about whether art can really do anything, but you have to incorporate that despair into the way you work. I try to soak my work in my sense of futility and fury.

On first listen, it's nice to just soak up the sound without thinking about what it means. It's like a relationship. Records I've had for years mean more to me now than they did years ago.

It's an honor to be able to tour with somebody I grew up listening to and somebody I look up to. When you're around somebody like E-40, all you can do is watch and learn, and soak up game.

I usually get up around 6 A.M. It takes me a while to get going. In our household, I am the first one up. I usually make coffee for myself, draw a bath and have a big soak. I read in the bath.

I'm young, and I learn not only from every fight but from every practice. When you're young, you soak it all in. You have a lot to learn, and you can get better and better as each day goes by.

You can't be all of the people you're influenced by, so you make your own filter and create your own beautiful, unique thing in the world. Soak up the world, man, and make something of your own.

When the chickpeas are still warm from boiling, you get warm hummus, which feels more like a meal. And it's not that hard. Just plan ahead, soak them all night, and dump them in the food processor.

I'm on my version of the protein diet, but there ain't no protein in it. It's a Krispy Kreme doughnut between two Cinnabons. And you soak it overnight in Red Bull. Then you chase it with a Snickers.

I think cool moments like winning a Grammy deserve a nice little party where you really soak it in and not have to work and stuff. I do remember throwing a party on that Grammy night, but it was work.

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