I'm a comic book fan.

I want to do more films.

I like the old '90s music.

I come from North New Jersey, where nothing's promised.

For me, with me, making a film is always about humanity.

Never played football, but I'm an athlete. I'm a competitor.

Acting I'll do forever, but I want to produce and stuff as well.

I think everybody wants to be their own person and be an individual.

I was born with rhythm but I don't know if - I'm not a break dancer.

I've never been the kind of guy to hype myself up. It's just not my thing.

Do as much homework as you can. Learn everybody's job and don't just settle.

I'm definitely a lover, but I fight when I have to - for something or someone.

As an actor, you always dream of having material that showcases what you can do.

In terms of experience with the police, everybody got those. It's such a reality.

I think Chris [Evans] has got Captain America locked up. The role is in good hands.

I'm a tropical weather cruiser. I like surfing, you know. I like being on the beach.

I was born and raised in the Bay Area. It's the place I got a deep, deep affection for.

That's one of the fun parts of becoming an actor: You can become whoever you want to be.

Just us as people, we're different around different people and in different environments.

I think my dad is definitely my biggest role model, personally, just in my day-to-day life.

I love sports. I've played basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, track and field growing up.

You borrow from the greats, and you make your own path without losing the core of who you are.

I want to look at my audience and see all walks of life. I want to do something for everybody.

Honestly, I want to do films. I want to make that move from actor to producer, like Will Smith.

I don't like speaking on things that I don't care about and that I'm not personally invested in.

I can't sing worth a lick, so I don't know if I would be allowed in the ["The Mickey Mouse Club"].

The world is a little more diverse in 2015 than when the Fantastic Four comic first came out in 1961.

In many ways for black actors there's been two leading guys: It's Will Smith vs. Denzel [Washington].

Acting for me sometimes is taking whatever personal experiences I have and try to apply that [to a role].

[Kyle Chandler]definitely helped me out a lot, stepped up my game. Just like the volleying back and forth.

I want the scripts Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't have time for. Joseph Gordon-Levitt isn't available? Call me.

I've always wanted to direct and as I grow and I get older and I get older I just want to let that evolve.

That's probably why my face was looking so crazy when I was crying [in "Hardball"] because it was some real.

As I grow and get older, mature a bit, and work on my big boy voice a little bit, I definitely want to direct.

The douchiest thing a guy could do on a date is to make a girl pay. If you invite her out and then make her pay.

[Ryan Gosling] just got by because he's a cute kid? Yeah. I was an ugly kid; "The Mickey Mouse Club" wasn't for me.

It may not happen in my lifetime, but if I can play a part in moving things along, then I feel I've done a good job.

I've been living with that all my life. My name is Michael Jordan, so I'm always being compared to a person of greatness.

For me, I really enjoy telling stories and helping the younger generation, young actors to have the same opportunity I did.

Start producing, some writing, directing is definitely what I want to do and I'll be doing a lot more in the future as well.

I've said no to a lot of things because they didn't make me a leading man. They put me in a category I wasn't interested in.

I want people to leave the theater and think, "How can I be a better person?" That's the only way things are going to improve.

Playing a bad guy would be fun, I'm not going to lie. I'd definitely do that in a heartbeat, because it's so out of my nature.

Father-daughter relationship, is something that I think is so unique and it can't really be explained unless you have a daughter.

Sometimes you've gotta hide the medicine in the food. You can't slap somebody in the face with facts, all the time. It's too harsh.

Watching a really good movie excites me, because it makes we want to get up off the couch and go shoot something and act in a scene.

I'm always good at seeing five, ten steps ahead. Like, really thinking ahead, you know? Reverse engineering, whatever it is, you know.

I encourage first time filmmakers to be ambitious and take chances and risks, because you never know where your career is going to go.

Don't pretend to know everything. I've been blessed to work with a lot of veteran actors, and I soak up lessons from them like a sponge.

Sometimes you gotta go with your first instinct. You gotta go with your gut. That's kind of how I live my life, you gotta go with your gut.

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