Hope is a song in a weary throat.

What song is it you want to hear?

In summer, the song sings itself.

We are lied to by our love songs.

Fetish is a straight-up sex song.

Songs are as sad as the listener.

If I love a song, I make it mine.

There is no song to your singing.

There is redemption in every song.

True love opens the gates of time.

Every song with lyrics is lyrical.

I started writing songs at age 15.

I do know what my songs are about.

The people in my songs are all me.

A good song receives love forever.

A song ain't why people kill cops.

Let there be songs to fill the air.

Lady gagas "hair" is my theme song.

I won’t sell my songs for no TV Ad.

I can write songs without a guitar.

Dream Song: The heavens Go with me.

I came to win, to conquer, to thrive

Remember to let her into your heart.

You're every love song ever written.

I'd like to be a song and dance man.

Our greatest songs are still unsung.

I'd rather sing a sad song than eat.

Every song a hit, every hit a smack!

Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song

A country song is a song about life.

I'm not a number. Dammit, I'm a man.

There are so many songs that I hate.

I don't write songs, songs write me.

Captive people have a need for song.

The world isn't logical, it's a song.

Every love song I write is for Linda.

I don't cuss in songs. It's too easy.

The best songs I write in 20 minutes.

Because you're mine, I walk the line.

There are no rules to writing a song.

My songs grow on people - like warts.

Song forbids victorious deeds to die.

I think to me, all songs are stories.

I think remixes give songs more life.

I'm not much of a song-and-dance man.

'Sam Stone' is a song about futility.

The nightingale is sovereign of song.

I believe you have to live the songs.

Silence is more musical than any song.

Quit shouting those rerun songs at me.

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