This is one of the most special golf courses in the planet.

It's a really special night for our fans. It's vindication.

The most beautiful things are not perfect, they are special

Now more than ever the world needs love, not just a slogan.

There's something very special about playing for Liverpool.

My kids are very special; they can bring a lot of surprise.

I don't do special effects. I do characters. I do creatures.

It is not special to be special, it's special to be ordinary

Those Beliebers who haven't met me yet are the special ones.

Each man must have his own special route to lead him to God.

I don't take PAC money. I don't take special interest money.

Being a bride for Gaultier was a very special moment for me.

Young people are not only rebels. They have a special heart.

Maybe my passion is nothing special, but at least it's mine.

To reconceive the Christ! It is the special task of our age.

Little details have special talents in creating big problems!

Any time you get to see Paul McCartney, it is pretty special.

No, there are no special places in hell. Hell is a democracy.

There is something special when creative people get together.

I'm offering a special prize for the first Buick on the moon.

A vacation spot out of season always has a very special magic

The Squirrel Barkers always have a special place in my heart.

If I could have a special power in real life I'd love to fly.

I love to take something ordinary and make it really special.

No special writing rituals. And my desk is usually cluttered.

I feel a special calling to impart hope to the church I serve.

After 20 years in special operations trust me, I know my body.

Criticizing reporters is like boo-ing at the Special Olympics.

I grew up in a country that I thought was special. And it was.

Anything which causes trouble has special merit in their eyes.

Barcelona are special in the way they play. They're a machine.

When I saw my box after that, it was even more special for me.

deep down I believe my year was a special year: it produced me.

Knowledge makes people special. Knowledge enriches life itself.

There ought to be a special place in heaven for coaches' wives.

I'd like to work with kids in special education - younger kids.

Waiting for a special occasion to kill me? Christmas is coming.

Even in winter an isolated patch of snow has a special quality.

Any horror element is as much psychological as special effects.

It's really special to play with your friends for your country.

One simple rule: no amnesty, no special pathway to citizenship.

I don't think I'm ugly, but I never thought I was that special.

Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now - always.

Looking into the camera creates a special eye and soul contact.

There's something special about the influence a woman has on me.

Oprah is very, very, very special to me. She's an amazing woman.

This error of free will is a special doctrine of the Antichrist.

I bowled a 129... It was like the Special Olympics or something!

The Creator, if He exists, has a special preference for beetles.

There'll be a special place in hell for the tape back-up people.

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