I hope 'Split Image' educates.

Have you ever tried to split sawdust?

Because in a split second, it's gone.

Pre-meditation can form in split seconds.

Music is split up now into little pockets.

My mother says I used to breast-feed in a split.

I've never had a proper banana split in my life.

When we could split the screen, it was like 'Wow!'.

I'd love to play somebody with a split personality.

I did buy an electric guitar while shooting 'Split.'

Technically, I split my time between N.Y.C. and Boston.

Any time the country is split 50/50, the leader is wrong.

My tights split while I was tap dancing in the West End in 1993.

You can never split yourself from the family you were born into.

You make a 2-10 split pretty often when you bowl as much as I do.

I love Neil Finn. I've loved everything he's done since Split Enz.

I split my time between a small town in New Jersey and New York City.

There's more to playing the guitar than being able to split your legs.

My parents split up when I was 3 years old, and I lived with my mother.

The president doesn't hold all the cards. The cards are evenly split up!

The soul can split the sky in two and let the face of God shine through.

I've split out, played receiver, I've been a fullback, I've been in-line.

The most important thing is you should not be split or fighting each other.

The chance to play a character with a split personality is an actor's dream.

No government can maintain the public's confidence if it is outwardly split.

Let the gentle bush dig its root deep and spread upward to split one boulder.

I split my time between Santa Barbara and Aspen. I live on a pretty fast horse.

We all have split personalities; we all wear masks at some point in our careers.

Sometimes I find I'm wearing a divided, split brain in terms of drama and humor.

I love organization, so I split my clothes into two closets according to seasons.

My mother and I split ways when I was very young and have never really reconciled.

My mother and father split up when I was three and my brother was still in the womb.

I saw my parents go through tough times between 1979 and 1983. They almost split up.

You have to split, bend over backward, touch our toe to our heads to get recognized.

Everybody's got that split between the beautiful and fragile, the hard and the dark.

The split second she ceases to care is the only time a woman ceases to be attractive.

After Team B.A.D. split and the Brand Extension, I got injured and took some time off.

I'm really pleased that women like me as well as men. My fanbase is quite evenly split.

There's this whole split personality thing of being a farm girl and a rock and roll girl.

I was born and raised in Los Angeles. I split my time between the West Coast and the East.

Unfortunately, I kind of split between Virginia and living in an airplane. I travel a lot.

To come to somebody's hometown and beat them on a split decision, that's saying something.

I make mistakes, and sometimes in split seconds. Then seconds later I know how wrong I was.

I am not one of those girls who can just land in a split. I need to warm up to be flexible.

There's something so empowering about knowing I can pick up an axe and split a piece of wood.

When I had my daughter and split up with her father six months later, I had a really hard time.

I don't think we should speak so much. What if we were singing a song? We split, whilst singing.

I went to Princeton from Amherst, where I split my interests between mathematics and philosophy.

Society cannot share a common communication system so long as it is split into warring factions.

I think there's a tremendous split between people who've been through a war and people who haven't.

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