It is very difficult in the transfer market for the teams that need to improve their squads.

I love all girl squads. I'm all for, like, girl power and friendship, and I'm all about that.

Just as I don't like it when other coaches question my squads and my line-ups, I won't talk about others.

I hate to speak about individuals. Players don't win you trophies, teams win trophies, squads win trophies.

I had the opportunity to play in many fantastic squads. I won with great teams but also lost with great teams.

There are so many clubs with great squads, good managers, good financial situations that allows them to sign good players.

I've got friends progressing into the England team and being in the squads. I'd like to think one day I'll have a shot at doing that.

Every manager deserves a part of whatever success you have. They build squads, and particularly at this football club they build the style of play.

What this man did, Fidel Castro, is he oppressed his people for nearly six decades. That legacy is firing squads. It's poverty. It's denying human rights.

English football has just had a transfer window imposed for the first time, so it will be interesting to see how managers cope with the squads they have until it re-opens.

When you find out teams are interested in you weigh up the options. I looked at squads at the clubs, I looked at who was here and what style of football they play and what will suit me more.

I mean in the South African case, many of those who were part of death squads would have been respectable members of their white community, people who went to church on Sunday, every Sunday.

Sales departments use social to nurture leads and close sales. HR posts job openings and vets applicants. Community and support squads mine networks, blogs and forums with deep listening tools.

The subject matter is very tricky. It's about the Munich massacre and what Mossad did afterwards with the assassination squads. I think it's a turning point in history, especially for the Palestinians.

Something interesting has happened over the last 10 years in the Premier League. Players who once would have been discarded as expensive and too old have become important parts of title-winning squads.

These days, there are sheriff squads whose full-time job is to carry out eviction and foreclosure orders. There are moving companies specializing in evictions, their crews working all day, every weekday.

In Spain you fight, of course, against Real Madrid and Barcelona, and they almost never lose because they have the biggest squads, and they are two of the biggest clubs in the world. So it's really difficult.

I always have a bet at the start of each season, looking at the teams and the squads. I know there's a big element of unpredictability but if you've got your financial structure sorted out you've got a chance.

We don't mess with squads. Our friend group is not, like, a strategic thing. There's no strategy to our friendships. There's no strategy to the circle of girls. Everyone's, like, bound together for different things.

The best, most successful managers in the modern era are those who can keep a player happy even if he is not in the team. Given the size of the squads and the use of rotation nowadays, that's tougher than it's ever been.

I like English football because you play all the games from the start of the Premier League to the very last game always 100%. Even when squads in the last two or three games have just been relegated, they still play 100%.

Sales teams use social media to generate leads and track clients as they move through the sales funnel. Operations and distribution teams forecast supply chains, while research and development squads brainstorm product ideas.

Ronald Reagan, who led the larger New Right project of re-sanctifying U.S. foreign policy after its Vietnam disaccreditation, felt compelled to drape his support for Central American death squads in the rhetoric of American exceptionalism.

I grew up playing war. We threw dirt and rocks at each other. We'd lead attacks. We'd break up into squads. It became a neighborhood thing for a while, our neighborhood against the other neighborhood. There was always a war breaking out somewhere.

I always hear commentators talking about squads that have been around and that have won things; they always mention the experience of winning and knowing what it takes to win. They have only got that through winning trophies and winning competitions.

Hockey suffers from being compared to itself in ways that other sports are not. Every four years, some of us fawn over Olympic hockey, a great event with bigger rinks, minimal goonishness and national pride in addition to the heightened skills of veritable all-star squads.

Importantly, companies are using social media to do things that go way beyond just chatting up existing customers on Facebook. Sales departments use social to nurture leads and close sales. HR posts job openings and vets applicants. Community and support squads mine networks, blogs and forums with deep listening tools.

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