I play squash.

Fight piracy; don't squash innovation.

Big government squashes the human spirit

Serious sport is war minus the shooting.

Dive on them and squash them if you must.

It's nice to squash people's expectations.

Sport is imposing order on what was chaos.

Be soft, even if you stand to get squashed.

I played a lot of squash for a lot of years.

Squash is my passion, and it is in my blood.

There is no accountability in soft money. None.

Squash - that's not exercise, it's flagellation.

Hatred is the greatest cancer that we must squash.

I've been playing squash almost daily for 38 years.

Squash has been my life and I owe a lot to the sport.

On the soft bed of luxury many kingdoms have expired.

trying to squash a rumor is like trying to unring a bell.

I used to play a lot of racket sports, tennis and squash.

Every pitcher can beat you, it doesn't matter how good you are.

I don't wear small shoes, or tight pants that squash your balls.

For 'tis the sport to have the engineerHoist with his own petard.

Squash was my livelihood and as in business, I had to stay on top.

Squash was my livelihood and as in business, I had to stay on top.

Why am I so soft in the middle when the rest of my life is so hard?

I don't go out there to love my enemy. I go out there to squash him.

If you think squash is a competitive activity, try flower arranging.

There's something about soft, unstructured arms that's very beautiful.

The direction we're heading is more important than individual results.

There is no object so soft but it makes a hub for the wheeled universe.

It is no use speaking in soft, gentle tones if everyone else is shouting.

I'm tough on the outside and soft on the inside [...] I'm really a shy guy.

Anyone can squash a bug but all professors of this world couldn't build one.

I love sport because I love life, and sport is one of the basic joys of life.

You don't have to use aggression to squash somebody. You have to use your brain.

Do not be too hard, lest you be broken; do not be too soft, lest you be squeezed.

I'm a chilled-out guy, and I really like sports and to play badminton and squash.

Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.

I do a lot of running. Bit of squash, bit of tennis. I don't like feeling out of shape.

My definition of winning at squash is playing and surviving, and I've never lost a match.

Squash - definitely a rich's person sport, and it's only played in a handful of countries.

Once you have selected a sport or a creative activity, the rules are pretty much the same.

My go-to winter recipe is beef and butternut squash stew, cooked in the slow oven all day.

In fifty years of covering the sport, of course Muhammad Ali is by far the dominant figure.

The voice of the intellect is a soft one, but it does not rest until it has gained a hearing.

Tennis is a psychological sport, you have to keep a clear head. That is why I stopped playing.

The weird thing was that Soft Cell was supposed to have come and gone before I started the album.

I have a squash casserole that everybody, even my kids, love. I won't tell my kids how to make it.

I was in the football, rugby, cricket and hockey teams at school; bit of squash. Tennis obviously.

Maybe if Graziano make another work or another sport I wouldn't have had this passion to be a rider.

What I love most about animation is, it's a team sport, and everything we do is about pure imagination.

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