Space is the stature of God.

I just wish insignificance had more stature.

The beauty of stature is the only beauty of men.

You never shrink in stature by lifting someone else up.

Malice is of a low stature, but it hath very long arms.

The stature of Liverpool means they want to win trophies.

Saudi Arabia is defined and represented by its Islamic stature.

Love measures our stature: the more we love, the bigger we are.

People like me might be small in stature, but they can also act.

There's nothing that can match Broadway for stature and dignity.

The Kiowas reckoned their stature by the distance they could see.

It always impresses me when a person of small stature has command.

Which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?

What we are assigned to bear is in a sense a measure of our stature.

I am happy with what comes, I don't have expectations of any stature.

For finally, we are as we love. It is love that measures our stature.

It is only people of small stature who have to stand on their dignity.

If the public has given us stature, we must also be answerable to them.

Men grow to the stature to which they are stretched when they are young.

Major religions are examples of 'noble lies' aimed at uplifting human stature.

I didn't have a mother; I had a mama. I measure other women by the stature of my mama.

It's really flattering to know that a club of Real Madrid's stature is interested in me.

Books are men of higher stature; the only men that speak aloud for future times to hear.

My family has great stature. And with the right type of training, I was able to put on weight.

No woman has ever been an authentic genius of the stature of men, but that does not enrage me.

The first thing one notices about Jill Abramson is her short stature. The second is her intensity.

I think I have a superior brain and an inferior stature, if you really want to get brutal about it.

It's great to be compared to someone of the stature of Gareth Bale, but I'm happy to be Ryan Sessegnon.

Vajpayee had a much bigger stature than Mr Modi. He knew how to run a coalition government very successfully.

My dad is extremely successful, so I've seen the money and luxury growing up. I'm nowhere close to his stature.

The distribution might which Penguin brought to the table and the stature they gave me as an author is unparalleled.

In our 21st-century celebrity culture, we seem to demand an all-or-nothing verdict on any departing figure of public stature.

Confucius, who was born in the sixth century B.C., traditionally had a stature in China akin to that of Socrates in the West.

We have a very strong politician of global stature, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. There is no one like him on the world stage.

Ethnic prejudice has no place in sports, and baseball must recognize that truth if it is to maintain stature as a national game.

It's fun to look over there and see a guy with as a great stature as John Elway. It's really cool that he went to one of my games.

My short stature may have something to do with my tendency to shout when enraged. How else is anyone going to hear me way down here?

By rationing in-person meetings, their stature is elevated to that of a rare treat. They become something to be savored, something special.

Until women themselves reject stigma and refuse to feel shame for the way others treat them, they have no hope of achieving full human stature.

Steve had a broad, easy smile and the biggest hands I had ever seen. I could tell by his stature and stride that he was accustomed to hard work.

If every year is a marble, how many marbles do you have left? How many sunrises, how many opportunities to rise to the full stature of your being?

I'm really considering all the schools. It's not fair for me to only look at certain... programs just because they had players that are at my stature.

People looking down, looking down, don't think a guy like my stature can be an All-Star. And every night I try to step out there and prove them otherwise.

My motivation for running for Senate was not for the stature of being a senator, but because I wanted to make a difference on issues I feel passionate about.

Any garment which is cut to fit you is much more becoming, even if it is not so splendid as a garment which has been cut to fit somebody not of your stature.

Imagine a superstar of his stature coming to someone like me and saying, 'Hi Meghana, I'm Mohanlal. Nice to meet you!' I was so taken aback by his politeness.

To be awarded with an honour of the stature of a Padma Bhushan, which is deemed as one of the three highest civilian awards in our country, is just gratifying.

One of the first things I did was interview the President of the United States. Some people work their whole lives and can't interview someone of that stature.

The locker rooms that Donald Trump is in are not at the cut-rate gym with the broken treadmills - they are at his swish golf clubs. They are places of stature.

We must accept life for what it actually is - a challenge to our quality without which we should never know of what stuff we are made, or grow to our full stature.

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