I'm working my way steadily back and I'm feeling good.

The team did a superb pitstop. We had steadily improved.

I believe that success either comes overnight or slowly, but steadily.

I started taking vocal lessons steadily. I started taking it seriously.

I'd like to just work - steadily work - and do parts that I enjoy doing.

I look primarily at my own expectations. These include improving steadily.

The threat from unmanned aircraft systems in the U.S. is steadily escalating.

Never give way to melancholy; resist it steadily, for the habit will encroach.

Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events.

I was an alcoholic, for sure. It became a problem steadily over the course of six years.

I have worked steadily since I started, but things are very hard for women and need to change.

I see mysteries and complications wherever I look, and I have never met a steadily logical person.

In a finite world this means that the per capita share of the world's goods must steadily decrease.

I suffered from severe depression for over a decade. My condition deteriorated steadily. I was suicidal.

Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it.

India's waste problem is gigantic, and with its economy growing steadily, it will be compounded manifold.

At 18 I began painting steadily fulltime and at age 20 had my first New York show at the Macbeth Gallery.

The work that is truly productive is the domain of a steadily smaller and more elite fraction of humanity.

I'd like to be a steadily working actor and to do as many things as possible. I'm really enjoying the life.

Geographically, Ireland is a medium-sized rural island that is slowly but steadily being consumed by sheep.

To be working in the theater steadily and to be recognized and appreciated by the community means the world.

The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly.

As publishers focus on blockbusters, they steadily lose interest in little-known authors from other countries.

I didn't get that great a launch as an actress, but slowly and steadily, I made my presence felt in the industry.

Anything in history or nature that can be described as changing steadily can be seen as heading toward catastrophe.

Real-life conduct aside, LaBeouf, a Los Angeles native, has been working steadily as an actor since he was 12 years old.

I want to be a playwright the way people are bank tellers. I want to keep doing it and have it go steadily and smoothly.

Robots have gotten steadily more capable, but humans' expectations that robots should have minds keeps biting robot developers.

Kindness is not about instant gratification. More often, it's akin to a low-risk investment that appreciates steadily over time.

At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.

As one of the grammar-school generation, I grew up as part of a postwar meritocracy that steadily infiltrated the citadels of power.

Let a man walk ten miles steadily on a hot summer's day along a dusty English road, and he will soon discover why beer was invented.

What I really honestly want is just to be working steadily... I would love to just be on a great TV show and have it run for awhile.

I've been working steadily as an actor since around 1998. I wasn't well known in the public, but I was a dependable working journeyman.

I work very fast and steadily, and I don't hardly ever notice that I'm working. It feels like just breathing or walking when I do films.

The goal should be to build a sustainable lifestyle business that does good for employees and customers - and that steadily builds wealth.

I listened to the students on campus in Plymouth, worried about their steadily deepening debts and how on earth they would ever escape them.

I'm just steadily building myself up as Kelly Rowland, not just Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child, which is a blessing to be able to do that.

In my time here, I've seen that Borussia Dortmund has developed steadily. We have become German champions and played in the Champions League.

It is what you do from now on that will either move our civilization forward a few tiny steps, or else... begin to march us steadily backward.

There is no truth which the prophets press more steadily upon Israel than that all their national life lies in the sight and on the care of God.

It was nice to be working steadily and piling up some money in the bank but there really wasn't much to do except walk around and... well, be Lurch.

We are not at the same place we were in 1973. This country today is drifting, moving steadily towards the pro-life position because the data is with us.

Nothing is more false than the notion that the triumph of Communism is inevitable or that the Communists are steadily pushing the free world into a corner.

Sometimes it seems like there's more footnotes than text. This isn't something we're proud of, and over time we'd like to see our footnotes steadily shrink.

A well-ordered life is like climbing a tower; the view halfway up is better than the view from the base, and it steadily becomes finer as the horizon expands.

I fear that the hearts of the vast majority of mankind would beat on strongly and steadily and without any quickening if the league were to perish altogether.

In the period from 1824 to 1833, the tendency was steadily in the former direction, but it was only in the latter part of it that it was made really efficient.

I have confidence that the Unitarian Church will steadily grow and will help to sustain many of my fellow citizens in these important days that lie ahead of us.

States without the death penalty have had consistently lower murder rates. And national murder rates have declined steadily since 1992, despite fewer executions.

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