My life on the tour was very structured.

Robots are good at things that are structured.

For me a thriller is a very carefully structured story.

I think that I've always been a kind of structured person.

In a society which is structured the wrong way, piety has no effect.

Being an actor is a much more structured life than being a musician.

Ballet was so structured. I'd been craving something that could guide me.

My days all follow much the same pattern. They are structured and typical.

Scripts can be slick and structured, but do they always contain the truth?

A jam means it's not structured - let it go. Let it go here, let it go there.

Joe Satriani is a methodical, and structured, kind of guy - thank God for that.

The way my life's structured, I don't stay in a place for more than a couple months.

Pop music is so structured, and I'm excited to try and challenge that in my own work.

Specifically in stand-up, I love jokes. I love short, structured ideas and a punchline.

We're all just waiting for our sugar lumps. That's how life has been structured for us.

The economy in South Africa was racially structured for many decades, if not centuries.

I really like structured coats and layered scarves, and I especially love cashmere sweaters.

I don't learn as well, I think, in like a structured way. I kind of have to be thrown into it.

The British health care system is a blueprint for the failure of Obamacare, as it is structured.

I was fairly solitary. I didn't like structured learning. People didn't seem to be my cup of tea.

It is not possible for one tribe to dominate another based on the way God has structured the country.

I'm very structured. I like planning things out. I get frustrated when they don't go according to plan.

Creating a record on my own and deciding who plays and how the songs were structured, it was fun to do.

Our military should be trained and structured around missions, not the elements of air, water, and land.

What I realized is that my interest in literature has more deeply structured my practice than I thought.

Vivienne Westwood makes such beautifully structured clothes that are especially flattering if you are curvy.

I would rather read a poorly structured story that has fresh ideas than a tightly structured one with cliches.

You can't manage the creative process on a quarterly basis. The way we're structured has really helped us grow.

Increased public ownership of the economy should be structured to create more worker self-management and control.

I eat all day long, I have a very varied and balanced and healthy diet, but it's very structured and disciplined.

Activision is structured with independent studios and they give their independent studios quite a bit of autonomy.

Bollywood is very structured and organised, but Kollywood and Tollywood can be quite spontaneous, and I enjoy that.

If you think about the way the hearings were structured, the hearings were really about Thomas' race and my gender.

Hollywood is a very old and very structured situation. There's still a lot of old boys at the top who have the money.

I'm trying to change the root of funk, trying to make it more progressive, more melodic and more lyrically structured.

Our scholastic system isn't structured to make sure that kids in the fifth or sixth grades absolutely know how to read.

I don't do my hair very perfectly because I think it looks sexier when you don't have everything perfectly structured out.

In the U.S., you have so many rules, everything's regulated and structured. When you make a mistake, you pay for it -a lot.

I have always been structured. What has changed is the proportions. Now it is eight hours of paperwork and one of painting.

A great guitar solo is really a song within a song. You can always go off and do your pageantry, but it has to be structured.

The State of the Union is less written than it is designed, structured and organized around applause prompts and camera cues.

The laws of nature are structured so that we grow and change, and get to experience the full spectrum of biological existence.

High school is all about hierarchies, labels, cliques - we are labeled and structured. Everyone goes through it, more or less.

I know there are parents who are very structured and organized and are certainly far more together than I am, it's just not me.

Most jobs today are still structured the same way they were 50 years ago, when most families had someone who could stay at home.

The brain is highly structured, but it is also extremely flexible. It's not a blank slate, but it isn't written in stone, either.

It became my solace. Because it's the only thing structured in my life right now. Training is sort of a therapy session, I guess.

You want a solo to be structured, a song within a song, but you want it to sound like it's the first time you're playing it, too.

Contract farming can be promoted if it is structured on the basis of a win-win situation both for the producer and the purchaser.

A structured design approach can heighten the hit rate in the fuzzy front end of innovation processes in public and private sectors.

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