I will focus on being substantive and I will focus on Barack Obama.

I would say I have taken substantive action to make things easier for people.

There are not that many parts for actors who are not white - even less substantive ones.

It is part of the work of education to have substantive relationships with your students.

Gerald's Game,' we could not have made it at a studio without substantive changes to the story.

I'm not just a politician, I'm a guy who has a real deep, substantive, commitment to education.

We need a more substantive conversation around race relations and the way people of color are treated.

Most of the time, you find that the smaller the budget, the more the project is about something substantive.

I used to animate. I started in animation, and you'd end every day with at least one substantive contribution.

It's important, at least for me, that while we're entertaining, there's also something substantive to talk about.

At the end of the day, all the best negotiating techniques can't overcome the most substantive policy differences.

To argue about justice is unavoidably to argue about virtues, about substantive moral and even spiritual questions.

This same habitual blindness to spiritual, substantive dimensions of every significant challenge continues to handicap Hollywood.

If there was a blog with five listeners or viewers, I had to be on it. Now I have to be on fewer media, but more substantive media.

Economics has many substantive areas of knowledge where there is agreement, but also contains areas of controversy. That's inescapable.

The only time we create any kind of substantive change is when we reach out to a disaffected electorate and inspire and motivate them to vote.

I really enjoy hosting, not necessarily because it provides more airtime, but because it allows me to be a part of more substantive discussions.

The rules of evidence in the main are based on experience, logic, and common sense, less hampered by history than some parts of the substantive law.

I love to utilize my celebrity status in a responsible and constructive and substantive manner. I like to get my hands dirty rather than a photo op.

One of your tasks is to separate the 'personal' from the 'substantive.' The two can become confused, especially if someone rubs the President wrong.

I mean what had always been attractive to me about the State Department spokesperson role is that it's traditionally been a very substantive position.

Everyone knows about the substantive issues of concern, like federal health care, but very little is said about the process, the lack of accountability.

I believe that presidential candidates actually have a responsibility to point out substantive differences: to point out perspectives that are different.

Assad wanted Israel to capitulate in advance to all his demands. Only then would he agree to enter into substantive negotiations. I couldn't agree to this.

The right of the people to a substantive part in the government of the Church is recognized and sanctioned by the apostles in almost every conceivable way.

The fact is that in a way, journalists become a kind of default in the system when you don't have substantive two-party back-and-forth inside of the government.

The problem with article 50 of the Lisbon treaty is that it is not substantive in its content or conditions, and only concerns itself with procedural requirements.

To somebody like Obama, substantive opposition is not tolerable. The objective is to eliminate all opposition - be it a political party, be it media, or what have you.

Your big movie stars who've been in blockbusters generating a lot of dollars are looking for the meatier, substantive roles that they think will make the awards season.

We need to encourage more women to write roles for other women. The great substantive roles aren't being written for women and aren't being produced and directed by women.

Substantive and procedural law benefits and protects landlords over tenants, creditors over debtors, lenders over borrowers, and the poor are seldom among the favored parties.

Apprenticeships must be more than a re-branding of in-work training if they are going to have a substantive impact on the future economy and the life chances of our young people.

If the only time you bang the drum is when it's time to get someone elected, and you don't get involved in a mass movement, then you're working against real and substantive change.

The central genius of the American Constitution lies in its use of structure to protect individual liberty. It does not rely solely, or even primarily, on grants of substantive rights.

You have to get an individual who's willing to actually struggle with the system to change it. As long as you have people who - to make substantive changes, to make infrastructure changes.

We need to work together, on a bipartisan basis, to create new jobs, increase job training, enact real and substantive middle class tax relief, and reward companies that create jobs at home.

We need to go after cancer, diabetes, climate change, the substantive problems of the world that, if were solved, would create immense wealth and opportunity that would cascade across countries.

I am proud of the advances we have made in New York where we have continued a legacy of substantive HIV/AIDS policy, but we must continue the fight to end the epidemic and ensure an AIDS-free generation.

There can, therefore, be no doubt that Presbyterians do carry out the principle that Church power vests in the Church itself, and that the people have a right to a substantive part in its discipline and government.

I think that 20 years ago, not too many people would imagine a meeting - interesting meeting, a substantive meeting between the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the President of the United States.

The truth is that every single relationship is very complex and full of contradictions; as you get into a more mature relationship, you realize that the contrasts are part of the fabric of every substantive relationship.

No one is going to persuade me that eight people arriving in South Shields is going to overwhelm the local system. I think that 25,000 refugees would be more in line with the U.N. That would be a substantive contribution.

I want politicians to be held to account for their politics and their principles, or lack of them, but I find it irritating that we have a culture where people are more interested in trivial gossip than substantive matters.

There's always a great deal of business to be transacted in one's office. There are always visitors it seems to me, an unending stream of them, who come with letters of recommendation, or come actually on substantive business.

I would hope that we could have this in an adult fashion and stop demagogueing the issue anytime you talk about any substantive reforms that will actually save social security and save Medicare and save the system from imploding on itself.

It would be a mistake to view Camacho as the beacon of democracy in Mexico. He has played by the PRI's rules for more than 15 years. As mayor of Mexico City, he was recognized as a political broker, not as an apostle of substantive political reform.

I've encountered a lot of people who sound like critics but very few who have substantive criticisms. There is a lot of skepticism, but it seems to be more a matter of inertia than it is of people having some real reason for thinking something else.

In the telecommunications, consumer products, and railway businesses, there are very real consequences if you don't meet the consumer's needs and desires. There are also substantive rewards for doing so, and especially for exceeding customer expectations.

Now is not the time for us to shy away from challenging ourselves to make substantive change for the better. We have the opportunity to raise the bar in the faith-based world by forging a culture in which inclusivity, diversity, and equality are paramount.

I was being taken around by a press agent at the Venice Film Festival at age 18. Was it fun? Sure. But it was a dangerous path to be walking on as far as having a substantive life. Because the casualty rate at the Venice Film Festival for 18-year-olds? High.

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